As previously reported, Motley Crue has recorded a cover version of Madonna’s,Like A Virgin, for The Dirt soundtrack. Listen to it below.
Nikki Sixx recently spoke to Classic Rock about how the idea for the cover came to life, “I’m walking my dogs, it was a beautiful day, and all of a sudden this idea pops into my head,” he said.
“I look up as if to look to God and I start laughing. And I said, ‘That’s the worst idea ever.’ So I called Bob Rock, and he was, like, ‘Uh, I don’t think the guys are gonna go for it.’
I demoed it up and went over to Tommy [Lee]’s house. I said, ‘I have a song to play you but I’m going to go in the bathroom and hide cos I don’t want you to punch me in the face. And it starts going and Tommy gets this huge smile on his face, ‘This is so f–king wrong.” And I talked to Mick and Vince, and they were, like, ‘F–k it, let’s go.’
“I think it’s funny for Vince Neil to sing, ‘Like a virgin, touched for the very first time’ – the least virgin guy I know.’”
To view read more about the soundtrack, view the song listing and to hear the tune, The Dirt (Est. 1981) (feat. Machine Gun Kelly), please click here.
The Dirt will be streaming on March 22nd via Netflix.

21 Responses
OMG!!! LMFAO!!! Are you kidding me? WTF??? Thanks guys, I needed a laugh! I actually agree with Lee, – this is so f–king wrong! What’s next, “Dress You Up??” LOL!!!
I’m OK with this.
I like covers that are outside the box.
Was wondering if this would get posted, listened to it the other day on You Tube, nah. Was almost expecting something slow and sludgy with a bit of Gothic overtones, like a Type O cover or something really sped up & punky but it just sounds like a duplicate with guitar & Vince Neil vocals.
STAY RETIRED!!!!! That is disgraceful, disgusting and awful. It’s not even funny in the slightest. I have no problem with old school MADONNA. None at all. This is entirely the bands fault. The absolute worst thing that I’ve ever heard. The last 5 or so articles on this site regarding MOTLEY CRUE are actually working against the greater good of a very good band. They only have themselves to blame for this. Don’t go away ridiculous, just go away.
Come on, Monet, it’s a little bit funny! Actually, I think it’s frigging hysterical!!! Next thing you know, Madonna and Motley will do a duet together! Today, nothing would surprise me.
I tried honest to god to find something good about this track , I guess micks guitar tone is fairly decent- but this is Possibly the worst piece of garbage music I have ever heard –