Legendary rock producer Bob Ezrin calls in to Volume’s Trunk Nation w/Eddie Trunk to talk about his work on KISS’s studio breakthrough Destroyer, on the album’s 41st anniversary. Listen to the interview below.

6 Responses

  1. I’ve always loved “Rock and Roll Party” at the end of Destroyer, it just gave that album that extra mystique that KISS was so famous for at that time.

    Let’s not forget the other masterpiece Ezrin was involved with, Aerosmith’s Get Your Wings, after all, he was the executive producer of that album! Which just happens to be my favorite Aerosmith album! I would love to hear his thoughts on working with Aerosmith, and Jack Douglas.

  2. Great interview (no surprise). My only complaint is that it was too short. I’ve always found it interesting that Ezrin was responsible production-wise for KISS’ “definitive” album (Destroyer); the album that sank the band (The Elder); and the album that resurrected them (Revenge). I wonder what Ezrin’s perspective is on that perception….

  3. Not sure Revenge “resurrected” KISS, it was more like the reunion tour that resurrected them. KISS never reached the popularity it had in the 70’s until the reunion tour. Lick It Up and Animalize did well, but Revenge, nah. KISS was dying a slow death until the reunion tour and Gene and Paul knew that. If it wasn’t for the 96′ reunion tour, and not any album in particular for that matter, KISS would have faded into KISStory a long time ago.

    1. I would agree that Revenge was not a huge commercial success that resurrected them. But critically it was very well received and seen as a ‘return’ to classic KISS music of the 70’s. So Ezrin’s prints are all over it as they were on Destroyer and The Elder to RTunes’ point.

    2. Revenge resurrected them with KISS fans. It was a long wait for a good album as a whole between Creatures and Revenge. Kiss’ releases have distinct milestones in my eyes. KISS, Alive, Destroyer, Creatures, and Revenge. Hopefully, there’s another one in the waiting I can add to this list. Doubtful but hopeful.

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