Page Six of the New York Post reports:

Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich says lead singer James Hetfield was “livid” over the technical mishap that left him without a working microphone for the band’s Grammy duet with Lady Gaga.

Hetfield’s verses weren’t audible for the first half of the Sunday performance of Moth Into Flame. He eventually moved over to share Gaga’s microphone for the remainder of the song.

Ulrich told Grammy host James Corden on Corden’s The Late Late Show that Hetfield was furious about the snafu. He said Hetfield is normally a “chill guy,” but it “was not a lot of fun” in the dressing room after the set.

Ulrich said the band “fought through it” and some people told him afterward that even with the mistake, the performance was “great television.”


11 Responses

  1. eff’n right he was livid , forget about the lunacy of ga ga – the grammys totally screwed over one of the best selling bands ever , not to mention one of the greatest metal bands of all time ! they didn’t introduce them, dead mike, no nomination , supid ass stage production , and then toss in the kook of all kooks gaga- I don’t think livid fully describes how pissed he must be-

  2. When you couple what happened here with the whole thing with Megadeth (playing a Metallica song as they came on stage to accept their award), it truly shows the lack of respect the Grammy organization has for this genre of music. You can bet these sort of things would not have happened to people like Beyoncé or Jay Z. That’s why most people who are into hard rock/ heavy metal couldn’t give a shit less about the Grammy awards. They are a bunch of elitist snobs!

    1. Keith,

      I couldn’t agree more, if it happened to those artists, the show would have been slammed in most media outlets.

      As a matter of fact Carlos Santana got a lot of flack for saying she lost because she “can’t sing.” He ended up backpedaling on his comments, eye roll.

      D 🙂

  3. Dead wrong on the Lady Gaga part; I disagree with you and Eddie on that point. No, Metallica DOESN’T need her, but to play with her – and have it still be good – shows what classy, talented musicians they are. Better or worse, Gaga is respected (rightfully, in my opinion) as a talented musician, and to show that crowd – who largely couldn’t tell Metallica from Megadeth from Megatron, if they were standing together on the stage – that they could hang with her, I think is good for metal in the long run.

    I feel like no one forces Het to do something he doesn’t want to do, so for him to appear on stage with Lady Gaga tells me he was down with it and embraced it. As for the rest, well, you’re spot on. To not even mention their name (as if they were the “backup band”) is disrespectful in the extreme.

    1. Or maybe Metallica were told they couldn’t appear on the show without a more mainstream, well known artist, sharing the stage with them? It is all about ratings, you know?

      Sorry to say, but heavy metal bands, not matter how popular, appearing on their own, do not appeal to the Grammy’s mainstream audience. Perhaps, the “reunited” Guns N’ Roses, Van Halen with DLR, AC/DC with Brian Johnson (or even Axl) and Bon Jovi (whom I know most do not even consider hard rock) would be able to appear on their own, but in my best “guess-timation,” that would be about it, as far as the TV producers are concerned.

      Ask Eddie all about that, he discussed that issue at great length while filming TMS on VH1 Classic.

      D 🙂

    2. Lady Gaga can sing, there is no doubt about that. I would rather hear her sing the Big Band classics that she has done with Tony Bennett. But, if you had to have a female singer onstage with Metallica, why not have it be someone that the hard rock folks could identify with? Maybe the singer from Halestorm? She can sing just as good as Lady Gaga, and doesn’t need the dancers and shit. Not to mention the fact that Lizzie is twice as HOT!!

    1. Ah yes, the great Milli Vanilli…

      Girl you know it’s
      Girl you know it’s
      Girl you know it’s… LMFAO!!!

  4. The person who presented tweeted an apology to Metallica for not mentioning them but I don’t think a sincere apology starts with “I was told I didn’t mention Metallica by name”no respect may the tech thought James was going to lipsync so didn’t bother to turn his mic on.

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