lynch,pinick,.luzier400jpg KXM, the new supergroup featuring Ray Luzier of Korn, Doug Pinnick of King’s X and George Lynch (ex-Dokken, Lynch Mob), are heading into the studio this weekend to put a final touches on their upcoming debut release.

Rat Pak Records, who will release the debut album, has provided a description of what to expect: “The songs are truly amazing. Ray’s drumming sounds like three dimensional thunder, George’s guitar playing will leave you to wonder if he’s really playing through an amp or if he’s directly plugged into some kind universal energy that only the guitar gods have access to..…then add in Doug Pinnick who brings his rock solid bass grooves, intelligible lyrics and seasoned songwriting talents to the table…..no hype and no joke, KXM is the real deal and you are going to love this album! We will announce official release date sometime later this month.”

For more info visit, please visit facebook.com/KXMofficial.

source: bravewords.com

19 Responses

  1. I am a big fan, of George Lynch and Dug Pinnick for a long time. I discovered Ray Luzier when he was drumming for Army of Anyone. I learneda more about him soon after that. I was very excited to hear about these guys doing an album together. It was worth the wait. The album has great performances from all 3 of these talented musicians. The album stands on it’s own. I have enjoyed each track. I really like the opening track, “Stars” I dig the cool groove on, ” Rescue Me” I have believed in this band since, I first discovered them. George Lynch is playing more for the song and I enjoy hearing him do some different tones and textures. Ray Luzier’s playing is very busy yet, is done right. Dug Pinnick is so soulful
    and lays down his groovey wall of bass. I really want to see these guys throw down live.

    and Lays down his powerful bass

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