KISS manager Doc McGhee spoke with  Syncin’ Stanley regarding the band, being accused of lip synching, during live performances.

McGhee said (as per, “[Paul Stanley] sings every track. So he sings to it. So he’s not lip syncing. He fully sings. It’s enhanced. It’s just part of the process to make sure that everybody hears the songs the way they should be sang to begin with. Nobody wants to hear people do stuff that’s not real, that’s not what they came to hear.”

When asked to clarify if [Stanley] is “actually saying there are backing tracks that [he is] singing to,” Doc said, “He’ll sing to tracks. It’s all part of a process. Because everybody wants to hear everybody sing. But he fully sings to every song.”

Reportedly, after KISS played on NBC‘s “America’s Got Talent” in September 2018, Stanley was asked by Rolling Stone if that was actually a live performance or if he and his bandmates tracked it earlier. “What you tend to do is record it live and that way you know that everything is as it should be,” he responded. “It’s not like going into the studio or anything like that. It’s…with all its imperfections, it’s live.”

20 Responses

  1. Here’s more food for thought on paul lip syncing and doc lying or trying to say he is “singing along ” first he is 70 and his voice is blown out other that the first verse he croaks out in D.R.CITY why would even try or care to sing along to a track it just damages his voice more to do that …he’s not singing he is just doing the minimum he has to do to get through the show , 2nd, there is the obvious sound and tone differences from the vocal tracks and Paul’s real cringeworthy voice when he talks between songs , anyone should be able to put 2 & 2 together …

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