
KISS bassist Gene Simmons granted a dying teenager’s wish by visiting him in his hospital bed.

The bassist and singer spent time with 17-year-old Dilan Kohn at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at the Children’s Hospital of Nevada in Las Vegas last week. Dilan died a few days after Simmons’ visit, but staff have thanked him for making the youngster’s dream come true.

A statement from staff at University Medical Center, where the Children’s Hospital is based, says: “Last week, one of our patients, Dilan Kohn, got his final wish. The critically ill 17-year-old desperately wanted to meet and hang out with the rock’n’roll musician, Gene Simmons, from the band Kiss.

“Mr Simmons had not only been Dilan’s idol, but also his inspiration growing up. Mr Simmons was sent an email request last Thursday afternoon and flew into Vegas the next morning. He showed up with a big bag full of signed memorabilia just for Dilan.

“The two hung out, shared stories and laughed together for well over an hour while staff looked on with tears in their eyes. Thank you Mr Simmons for making this wish come true just in time.

“Unfortunately Dilan passed away peacefully a couple days later.”

Simmons shared the hospital’s statement on his own Facebook page.


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25 Responses

  1. R.I.P. Dilan. Like many of you I feel Gene is sincere and is the real deal. About two weeks ago, I was with one of Gene’s business partners (I drive Uber). The discussion turned to the military (I am a 20 year AF veteran), the person I was driving called Gene and he spoke to me for about 5 minutes about how grateful he is for the military. He said something most of you would not believe, he said, “you are a better man than me.” He stated, “without the sacrifice of our men and women, I do not have the life I have today.” For all the brashness, Gene Simmons will always be someone I respect and admire. He is a good person, not out to do everything for publicity. This act of kindness to see this young boy before he passed came from a good place. Well done, Gene.

    1. Glad to read that Simmons values our brave men and women of the military, as everyone, in my humble opinion, should.

      Thank you for your service, Greg, and God bless.

      D 🙂

  2. What it all seems to boil down to is that,warts and all,Gene definitely “gets it”. His partner in Kiss,maybe not so much. Gene’s biggest problem is he’s brutally honest. You’re going to know exactly where you stand in his eye. Some people can’t handle that,they need life sugar coated. Not going to happen with Gene. Once again. Gene,you made a dying kids life worth living for another day. Words alone cannot express how awesome that was. You rock my man. \m/

  3. that was a very nice thing he did there!!!!!i lost my son when he was 3 years old,i know how hard the family has it right now,and how hard it will be forever moving foward,to be able to see there sons face light up when gene came there had to priceless,and hopefully they will remember that happy moment forever,not what is,but what was….god bless ya gene on that one!!!!!!

    1. Jeff,

      I am incredibly sorry for your loss. While I don’t have any children, I can say with confidence, it goes against nature for a parent to have to bury their child. Blessings to you and your family.


    2. As a father of two boys myself, I can’t imagine your pain Jeff. I wish you the best brother and I’m sorry you had to go through what you went through.

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