KISS frontman Paul Stanley thinks the band should make another album – even though he admits fans are “not interested” in new material.

He says the follow-up to 2012’s Monster would only be worth making if the band felt a creative desire to do so – as fans simply tolerate new material from classic rock bands rather than anticipate it.

Stanley tells Miles Schuman, “It’s only worth doing it if, artistically, you want to do it. Every time we finish an album, I kind of go, ‘Well, that’s it.’ When we did Sonic Boom, it was because the band was so good that I just thought to not capture the band and do new material would be a shame. But once we did Sonic Boom, I said, ‘Well, we’ve made the point.’ Then, a few years later, it was, like, ‘Wow, why don’t we dig deeper and get a little closer to the roots and the people that we loved and kind of do something else,’ so we did that, and then I said, ‘We’re done.’ Lately I’ve been thinking, yeah, we should do another. But there’s no secret that when anybody who’s considered classic or of our generation does a new album, most people are not interested in hearing that stuff – they tolerate it at best.”

Stanley continues, “If you turn the sound off and you put on a live Rolling Stones concert or a live Paul McCartney concert, I’ll tell you every time they’re playing a new song, because the audience sits down. You tolerate the new song, because you wanna hear Brown Sugar. You tolerate the new song, because you wanna hear She Loves You, Strawberry Fields, whatever it is. So I’m aware that doing an album is more for my own satisfaction than anybody else’s. That being said, if I don’t feel the need to do it, then there’s no need to do it.”

additional source: Classic Rock via

10 Responses

  1. You people still living in and longing for the “good ole days” is just sad and unrealistic. You are not the same person you were when you became fans of the original KISS. We all change and we all get older. I appreciate their new music. If you were open-minded and listened to it as it is and not with 1970’s ears, you might enjoy it as well. Being freeze-framed in the past or being dismissive of a band that still wants to perform and create new music does not make you a pillar of integrity, it makes you a hater.

    1. So, just because I’m not interested in hearing new music from this version of KISS, that makes me a hater? Are you kidding me? Damn man what the hell was in your coffee this morning?

  2. people who go to a concert and only want to hear the well known songs should just save the money or spend it on another copy of that bands greatest hits. i think any band that does not put out a new album before a tour,and that tour can last two years, is just wasting their time and cheating the people who go to see them.

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