Gene-Simmons400 KISS bassist Gene Simmons who recently made some controversial comments about depression and suicide, has posted the following message on his Facebook page:

“I want to make this statement about my views on depression for the record and to clarify my prior remarks.

To the extent my comments reported by the media speak of depression, I was wrong and in the spur of the moment made remarks that in hindsight were made without regard for those who truly suffer the struggles of depression. I sincerely apologize to those who were offended by my comments. I recognize that depression is very serious and very sad when it happens to anyone, especially loved ones. I deeply support and am empathetic to anyone suffering from any disease, especially depression.

I have never sugarcoated my feelings regarding drug use and alcoholics. Somewhere along the line, my intention of speaking in very directly and perhaps politically incorrectly about drug use and alcoholics has been misconstrued as vile commentary on depression. Unkind statements about depression was certainly never my intention. Fully, you will know that and I do not intend to defend myself here and now, by listing the myriad charities and self-help organizations I am involved with. Rather, I simply want to be clear that my heart goes out to anyone suffering from depression and I deeply regret any offhand remarks in the heat of an interview that might have suggested otherwise.”

Simmons has received criticism for his comments from Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx, who described the KISS frontman’s statements as “moronic”.

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99 Responses

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  • Gary B. on

    I think old Gene is a lot like the Rush Limbaugh’s/Ann Coulter’s of the world. They’ll say or do anything to push whatever it is they’re hawking at that given time. (No such thing as bad publicity theory). Couple that with his propensity for douchieness,and this is what ya get.Funny how most of his outlandish comments coincide with a tour,album,or in this case,a new TV show.Tune in a few months from now, when Gene’ll state something like “kicking puppies to death for pissing on the carpet is OK”, about a week before his next book release…..

    • War Machine on

      “kicking puppies to death for pissing on the carpet is OK”, about a week before his next book release…..

      Good one! I could actually see him saying something like that.

      It’s like the Kim Kardashian syndrome where you constantly have to top yourself by doing even more outrageous things just to stay on the radar of the public’s eye.

    • Brian B on

      He is not micheal Vick.

  • Nic on

    I think a lot of these comments coming from Gene lately reflect more the desperation of his band more than anything else. In 2014 thinking Kiss is satanic and dangerous, as many believed they were 40 years ago is nothing short of ridiculous now. I’m sure there is still that part of Gene that wants to grab headlines and create controversy. The days of putting one’s blood in comic book ink to shock people have long since passed. Though in the politically correct age we live in, just voicing ones opinion that goes against that correctiveness can create headlines like spitting blood and breathing fire could decades ago.

    Based on the overall reaction and feedback to these statements, it seems Gene’s 21st century approach to grabbing headlines, shocking the people, and stirring up controversy to create cash is backfiring more than anything else. What’s interesting is I just watched a video of Gene in Japan last fall doing this interview in a music store where he actually talked about music and even played Deuce with a couple of guys in the shop. The shocking thing is he wasn’t being a d-k in the least, whereas he can’t open up his mouth 99% of this time in this country without coming across like a complete ass. Despite the poor taste of some of these remarks, I think I’ve figured out the method to Gene’s madness to all of this. Though we just keep seeing that Titanic that was once the greatest band in the land sink deeper and deeper into the ocean… but hey, on a positive note at least we have Ace’s rocket ship in the form of his awesome new album blasting off in the U.S. on the 19th!

    • schocoman on

      Good remarks, and yes, the more Kiss is on the decline (cf. Paul’s voice deteriorating, venues getting smaller despite double headlining, age taking its toll, mixing ventures like LA Kiss and restaurants with what once was all about dangerous rock’n roll …) the more Gene and Paul will try to create artificial headlines by boasting they are supernatural, bigger and better than ever, etc. – because they must, from their perspective, regarding both business and personal issues. The less people want to see them the more they try to be everywhere because they probably cannot get used to the thought that their time is almost over. I know they are talking about retiring already, but: The talk about making Kiss immortal by putting new guys into the make up is just a sign of Gene and Paul NOT being able to leave the stage for good and to a younger generation, they want to live forever in these images of the characters they once created. Sadly, if they did not ridicule their own legacy, the band and its members actually had already been on their way to become immortal but now the fond memories of the classic phase are blemished by the current stupidities.

    • Mike B on

      Professor schocoman strikes again. Do you have any good points yet though?

  • John Alonzo on

    Yea Gene Shut the F Up

  • Doug R. on

    I really hope Gene’s sincere, and I don’t want to doubt him, but the timing of his apology is interesting. Just days after Robin Williams’ suicide, and Nikki’s comments, all of a sudden we get an apology from somebody who never apologized before for anything. Maybe his conscience got the better of him, and his apology came from his heart, and not from the “pressure”. Only Gene knows, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Alcoholics and drug addicts, not all of them are bad people either, I’ve never been, but I’ve known a few. Whatever the reasons, facts, excuses, or anything else, not all of them are a waste of life, or criminals. Everybody’s human, has faults and makes mistakes, some more extreme than others of course. Gene needs to realize the difference, somebody who likes to drink is not an alcoholic, somebody who NEEDS to drink is an alcoholic. He looks at everybody with a drink in their hand with that “snarl” of his, I wonder if he looks at them the same way at his “Rock & Brews” restaurants? Point is, Gene shouldn’t be so judgmental, he might be the “God Of Thunder”, but he’s not God himself.

    • War Machine on

      My girlfriend is a severely depressed drug addict. It’s sad to see the choices she makes on a daily basis as she heads down the road of self-destruction.

      With that said, deep down inside she’s a good person and has a lot to offer the world. I stay with her out of my love for her, even at my own detriment. I can’t make her stop taking drugs; no one can except for her. And since she doesn’t want to stop taking drugs, there’s not a whole lot I can do for her other than show her unconditional love as best I can. As recent as yesterday, me and her mother went to her apartment just to see if she was still alive. Thank God she was, but we were both prepared for the worst.

      One thing I would NEVER say to her as she wallows in her despair is, “F**k you! Kill yourself,” because she might actually do it! Maybe those words would be the final thing that pushes her over the edge. She’s made attempts before and many times has told me that she wants to die. The last thing she needs to hear from someone like me who has influence over her, is that she should go ahead and do it. Whether I thought I was calling her bluff or not, it wouldn’t be the right thing to say.

      So I’m glad Gene Simmons swallowed his pride and apologized for his merciless comments. He has a lot of influence over a lot of vulnerable people and needs to be careful what he says.

    • Doug R. on

      War Machine, sorry to hear about your situation, I’ve been in a similar one, and I know it’s very, very difficult. People really do need to be careful when they’re giving “advice”, especially about things that either they’ve never experienced, or they have no sympathy or compassion for. Nikki Sixx was never a role model for anybody when he was younger, but look at him now, he overcame all his demons, and thank God, he lived to tell about it. When it comes to situations like this, I hope somebody in that position listens to Nikki. Today, there are more options than ever, I hope and pray for the best for you & your girlfriend, good luck.

    • War Machine on

      Thanks for your kind words Doug…and thank you SI Clown for your perspective on guilt and drugs.

    • Joe on

      War Machine….I’m deeply saddened to hear about your girlfriend. I will keep her in my prayers & thoughts with POSITIVE ENERGY for her to beat the devil. Be strong my friend…..Joe in The Cuse

    • staten island clown on

      War Machine, here is some unsolicited advice (and you did post that, so maybe it is somewhat solicited)…It’s been my experience that someone who has a drug problem: they take drugs to numb themselves to the world, has a guilt issue: they feel guilty about something and so take drugs, and the drugs compound their issue, i.e. the guilt they feel over taking drugs, itself, eclipses the reason they started taking the drugs, which was the whole point of them taking the drugs. So, I would say to her, “stop feeling guilty” for taking drugs, that’s the start, it’s just a problem, and everyone has them, problems can’t be quantified: i.e. a drug problem is no worse than having another kind of problem, both are problems of equal weight. So, what I”m saying is that it’s the guilt that’s killing her, and guilt is a killer man, it will eat you up, this guilt for being alive, so, I think if she stops feeling guilty about everything, she will stop hurting herself.

    • staten island clown on

      Doug, ‘the Red Rocker” with the headset mic, he’s standing on top of the lighting rig at the Cow Palace in 1983…there’s only one way to rock, and that is in a yellow jumpsuit with red zippers all over it, or those light blue parachute pants, with the blue shirt…..that apology, I’d say, was a business decision made in light of the very bad timing of Robin’s suicide, that was a perfect storm for Gene, but does it matter? What would anybody do in his situation? I get what you’re saying about the drugs and the drink, but I’ll take a guy who would never offer me neither one as far as, you know, someone to hang out with, I like to drink and stuff, but I also like the consistency of never having to worry about someone pulling out drugs in front of me.. So I guess, I ‘ll take Gene as the complete person, in other words….: )

    • Doug R. on

      Suckers walk, Money talks!
      But it can’t touch my three lock box!
      Uh! Oh, Yeah! 🙂
      I’m with you buddy, I like to drink around my friends, have a good time, catch a nice buzz, no drunk, and ride it out! I love to party as much as anybody, safe & smart! I don’t do drugs, none of my friends do drugs, but we do like to drink (under control) play poker, and we love to Rock, that’s our drug! Might sound corny, but that’s how we roll! Red Rocker rules! Mas Tequila! Cheers 😉

  • Ivan on

    This guy really likes to see his name as a headline. Good. Bad. or in this case, extremely Ugly.

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