bonjoviband400 Radar Online reports:

Jon Bon Jovi is pretty frustrated with longtime band member Richie Sambora’s departure from Bon Jovi – but he isn’t afraid of outing his issues or saying that he is replaceable.

The 51-year-old rock star recently opened up about Sambora’s shocking departure from the legendary band, hinting that it had to do with substance abuse problems.

“It’s getting more and more difficult every day to not just sit here and say something… Because all I can say is this — it’s for personal reasons,” Jon explained to the London Evening Standard about Sambora, who went to rehab in 2011 for alcohol abuse. “He’s been through it before, fortunately for us the same guy who filled in last time was available this time.”

He continued to snub Sambora by comparing him to U2’s The Edge, who would not be so easy to substitute.

“Life goes on, so if someone chooses not to be here… unlike if this were, God forbid, The Edge, and he for some reason couldn’t make a U2 show, [then] it would be very difficult to just step in,” he said.

“You have a choice — you either figure it out, go and grow, not only survive but thrive. Or, you say, ‘I hate my brother and I’m gonna quit the band.’”

Also, in the interview, Bon Jovi slammed Justin Bieber, dubbing him “an a**hole” for showing up to his O2 arena concert in March 2013 two hours late.


8 Responses

    1. Like Jon is so damn innocent, give me a damn break!!!!! I am sick of Jon putting Richie down all the time and Richie is not having issues with drugs, alcohol, family issues or any of that, Jon simply doesn’t want him back, and no matter who he replaces Richie with, it won’t be the same, so I say Screw You Jon, you suck, maybe your wife should know about you infidelities when your on the road, Richie is not your best friend and for that, I hate you!

    2. I know when Bon Jovi rolls around into my town if Richie is not there, I will not waste my money on Jon, I hope Tico and David leave him too, because Jon isn’t the whole band,

  1. His statement about the Edge being hard to replace and Sambora not, kind of says something about the crappy music that band has produced. If you have a sound that is easy to repeat then what does that say about your music? Jon Bon Jovi should just deal and stop being an ass.

  2. I think Jon and the rest of the band have been patient with Richie and have treated him with respect by not talking about his “problems.” I think that Jon has a right to be frustrated with Richie for cutting out on the tour last minute without explaining to the fans why. Jon comes across as the villain for kicking Richie out when Jon said it was Richie’s choice to leave. Richie can’t seem to get his life straight and it is affecting the rest of the band.

    1. Richie is not having any issues right now, Jon thinks he is the best, and you know what Jon isn’t!

  3. John needs to take care of himself and his family. Addiction is a true disease get better Rich. Maybe he should find someone to sing in the background since he sounds very bad anymore. No offense Johnny, but its just not the same

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