Jakelee Former Ozzy Osbourne and Badlands guitarist Jake E Lee might never be seen again after his new band Red Dragon Cartel complete their current touring duties.

He says he’s already resisting pressure to make a follow-up to this year’s debut album – unless he can do it on his own terms. And he’s vowed he’ll shut down the project if the moment feels right, adding that he doesn’t believe he’ll be missed.

Lee returned with Red Dragon Cartel after more than two decades away from the music business. Right now he’s enjoying every minute, but he knows how he’ll react if the situation changes.

He tells Sea Of Tranquility, “There’s an abundance of song ideas – but I’m not guaranteeing that there will be another album. I know the record company hopes there is and the band hopes there is. I just did this as a last hurrah, to see what it felt like to be back out. I’ve had a lot of fun doing it. I miss my home life, though. I don’t need this; as long as it’s not tiresome or becomes too much of a job, I can see it going on.

Right now I don’t know. If making another record makes me happy then I’ll do it. If it becomes grueling, I’ll just stop – and feel reassured in knowing that there’s really not going to be a whole big world that’ll miss me. Some fans will, and if that’s what happens, I apologize to them.”

Lee admits he believed his days on the road were long behind him. “I don’t need the spotlight; I don’t need to be in the public eye,” he says. “My only reason for doing this at all is for the love of music and if this all goes away tomorrow. I’ll be okay.”

And while he’s enjoying Red Dragon Cartel’s current run of European shows – including a rescheduled set of UK dates – he states: “If it taxes me too much I can easily go back into retirement.”

additional source: classicrockmagazine.com

28 Responses

  1. I guess I somewhat understand not wanting to be in the spotlight or forced to make a record, but geez, it’s been so long to begin with.

    Doesn’t think he’ll be missed? He was one of my favorite guitarists, and is still my favorite Ozzy guitarist…

    I thought the RDC album was ok, it had some cool moments on it, though it wasn’t super strong. Part of that was all the different singers plus the singer he hired to sing. I wasn’t a fan of his singing style.

    Just have some fun with the guitar. It doesn’t take much to record into someone’s protools laptop. Stick to making some Ep’s. People want to hear you play guitar Jake. I know it’ll never happen, but how cool would it be to see Ozzy and Jake play together at least one more time?

    Just play the guitar.

  2. So many angry people here. sigh. The album was terrific and I saw him live twice. I thought this was the start of something good. Lotsa talent there. It’d be a shame if he went back to retirement. Seemed like his career was in resurgence. I’d have been a fan buying the CDs and paying to see him live. Hope I get to see him again.

  3. All these clowns knocking a great guitarist have either not listened to the whole album or seen him in concert. I had the privilege of seeing him several months ago and not only was it a very good show I got to meet him afterwards. A very cool guy. You people don’t like it fine. But leave your idiotic juvenile comments to yourself.

  4. I LOVE the self titled album by Red Dragon Cartel. Saw the the band live at the M3 Festival and was blown away. It would be a HUGE waste of talent to have one of the best rock guitarists call it quits. Jake I support your decision but hope that you stick it out and continue sharing your gift of music. YOU ARE A ROCK GOD!!!!

  5. Been a fan of Jake since th 80’s and miss him greatly. I really liked RDC and it would be ashame if he never did anything else. It may be a set up to to do other things ala Lynch. Whatever he decide s it’s his life his choice, but he has A LOT of fans and is a well respected musician. I would be a loss if he goes back into obscurity.

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