I usually do not post birthday announcements in the music news section, because once the site acknowledges one artist, you have to acknowledge them all. However, we have recently been posting about so many who have left us, I thought would be a nice counterbalance.

So, happy birthday to my huge crush, and mega talent, Mr. John James Sykes, born on this day 62 years ago in Reading, England. May your day be as special as you are and may all your wishes come true….now put out some new music, darn it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Rock on…with much affection and admiration,

Dana from EddieTrunk.com

6 Responses

  1. It’s always nice to acknowledge and celebrate someone’s birthday as oppose to the opposite, and there’s been way too much of the opposite lately. Happy birthday, Sykester! Now, give all of us a present and release that “new” album already!

  2. For sure in my top 3 of lead guitarists that sing lead as well. Only 62 ? get off the couch and give us some new music ! lol . Happy B-day Mistro

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