After missing nearly two weeks worth of shows due to “a combination of dehydration and exhaustion,” Aerosmith guitarist, Joe Perry, returned to the stage with Hollywood Vampires on July 22nd. The concert took place at Weill Hall in Rohnert Park, California.

Perry collapsed after walking backstage only one song into the Hollywood Vampires’ concert at the Coney Island Amphitheater in Brooklyn, N.Y. The band, which also includes Robert DiLeo (Stone Temple Pilots) and Matt Sorum (Guns N’ Roses, Velvet Revolver), decided to continue with their tour as Perry recovered, although they did cancel an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

The Hollywood Vampires have shows booked every night between now and the closing night on July 25th at the Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles, California. From there, Perry will have a bit more time to recuperate before Aerosmith begin their South American and Mexico tour starting on September 29th.

The group have talked about doing a farewell tour, with Steven Tyler suggesting it may happen next year, but Perry isn’t so sure.

“It’s one of many things we’ve talked about as a band, but I don’t know if it’s the end,” Perry said. “We take it from album to tour and day to day. It’s the same philosophy we’ve always had.”

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6 Responses

  1. I’m glad Joe is doing better, but the tired excuse of “dehydration and exhaustion” is insulting. Pretty amazing how asphalt pavers, roofers, and factory workers don’t have dehydration and exhaustion, but rockers who only work 2 hours a night keep getting this, despite having access to unlimited clean drinking water and comfortable beds in the best hotels in the country.

    1. im so glad you said that,these folks like being in the spotlight,and having everyone kiss there asses,and reap all the benifits of being a celeb,but then when it comes time to speak up about a public event ,there all like ohhhhhh ahhh it was he was just tired,yea ok…

  2. I don’t know Many Asphalt Pavers, Roofers and Factory Workers Who are Pushing 70 years old.
    Joe and the rest are lucky to be Alive with all the stuff they did to their bodies back in the day.
    It could have been a virus, a Flu Bug, or maybe he just pushed himself too much and didn’t rest before the show started.
    These “Rock ‘N’ Rollers Do have lives outside of playing 2 hours a night.

  3. I’m going to guess that the true reason for Joe’s collapse was somewhere between “dehydration and exhaustion” and “cardiac arrest.” Either way, I’m glad to see Mr. Joe F*ckin’ Perry back on his feet and playing.

  4. first i’m glad your feeling well joe! second, I need to make a comment about dehydration and exhaustion , I play drums in a working rock n roll band and i’m 25 yrs younger than joe I don’t play night after night -but after 3 sets sweating my ass off under hot lights iv’e had my moments- my day job is for a construction company our guys suffer heat exhaustion and dehydration weekly ! it’s hot as hell in the Midwest right now! look joe is close to 70 – hot lights, trying rock like your 20- 70 yrs old, c’mon that’s exactly what happened – i’m hoping its not something more serious- joe you are an amazing player keep going what your doing –

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