JoeHomesfarminkos400 Farmikos, the band featuring former Ozzy Osbourne and David Lee Roth guitarist Joe Holmes and vocalist Robbie Locke (ex-Laidlaw) have released a video for the song, Scapegoat. Watch it below.

Farmikos’ self titled debut album was released on January 15th, 2015. Read more about it here and to watch a video for the song, Facing East, click here.

Farmikos track listing:

1. Scapegoat
2. Am I One
3. Kings Of Dust
4. The Spoon And Sun
5. Fragile
6. The Sound Of My Gun
7. Ascension
8. I Was Them
9. Exit Stencils
10. Facing East


6 Responses

  1. Considering the heavyweight singers this guy has worked with, he’s definitely one of the least known guitarist of the other greats from the same bands. Few people (including myself) only really became aware of him a few years ago, and I know virtually nothing about him. He must be pretty good though, considering who he’s worked with.

    1. I think he just played on the album, I don’t think that’s him. Wackerman is the new drummer for Avenged Sevenfold.

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