Greta Van Fleet may just have released their debut album, but the hype surrounding Anthem Of The Peaceful Army has been off the charts.

The Michigan outfit have also been bombarded with criticism due to Josh Kiszka’s vocal similarities to Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant – but that hasn’t stopped them forging ahead with their career, which is on a decidedly upwards trajectory.

Last week they said they had a chance to “bring authentic blues-rock back into the popular scene” and in a new interview, the band say that rock has found itself an “endangered species” simply because the genre refuses to chase trends.

Guitarist Jake Kiszka tells Rolling Stone, “That’s the thing that destroys a lot of good art now-chasing trends. There’s comfort in knowing that you’ll make that money.

The record company will hire writers to make sure they see a return on their investment because – structurally, scientifically – the song will work. It’s catchy. It’s a mathematical fact that people will perceive it one way or another. That’s why it’s difficult in our world to cut through.

When you are doing something truthful, it’s easy for someone to say, ‘That sounds like this band from the 60s and 70s. It’s the throwback sound.’

In that response is the answer: That is because music meant something during that period – a lot more than it does now. It was done by the artist for the artist. It was music for the people.”

He adds, “But Rock’ N’ Roll has become a novelty. It doesn’t have the essence of what it was – its greatness. People say it’s dead now, but it’s a minority. It’s an endangered species. It’s gonna take young guys like us in our generation to see that.”

Greta Van Fleet also tell Rolling Stone that they’re already working on what will be their second album, which could see the light of day as soon as 2019.

Greta Van Fleet will travel to Europe for live shows later this month and into November and have a tour planned for 2019, when they’ll visit Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the UK and North America.

additional source: Classic Rock via

15 Responses

  1. Aside from this gibberish he’s saying about writing songs…it’s ALL about the songs; if this band could write good songs I would like them; this ‘authentic throwback’ stuff is just a red herring….look at the Stones; they had their disco songs but they were really good (unlike that pedantic Kiss…except when they did it live; it did change its character dramatically, thanks DR).
    And the irony; the novelty act of the decade saying rock and roll is a novelty…I am not picking on them for copying I am saying they can’t write decent songs and they put form over substance…write some good songs guys, I don’t care what it takes….don’t put your ego ahead of a great song on your record…Uriah Heep did it with Abominog, Kiss has done it….those ‘hired” writers are artists too and they are great at what they do…and they will make you better writers yourself….the Stones did covers until their songs were good enough…so, covers are too good for these guys but not the Stones? The irony here is this band is exactly the type of people they’re complaining about.
    ….I don’t know…maybe they’ll grow up….lol…

    Sorry to hear about the flak you are getting on here Dana and thank you for your kind message about seeing the Stones.

    1. ABOMINOG is the most overlooked masterpiece of all time. That album is the true follow-up to DIARY OF A MADMAN. Kerslake/Daisley’ s great songwriting was on full display. A must have album that nobody has. Also features a Russ Ballard tune as well. SELL YOUR SOUL is what 80s metal was all about. Awesome album cover as well. Thanks for mentioning this. Another overlooked album from around the same time was MSG by the Michael Shenker Group.

  2. Shannon, if you don’t already have it, pick up the Stones’ Four Flicks DVD set, trust me, you’ll love it! Watching it on a 70 inch ultra HDTV in surround sound is almost just as good as being there seeing them live and in person! It’s the next best thing! – just in case you don’t get to see them before they retire in 20-30 years! If you need some “Emotional Rescue,” check out Four Flicks! 😉

    1. Wow Doug, that’s a lot of me sitting there in front of the TV….lol….I don’t know if I have the endurance for that, plus, I like the vintage era ….I have the original vinyls Doug, and I drive around in my car with the CDs….I decided to see how long I could go with only their music in my life…their music and that’s IT. Lol…I appreciate the tip on that DVD set though…I watch those sometimes and get frustrated over the camera shot….like, and pardon the all caps …people don’t like these but here goes…I DO NOT CARE ABOUT SEEING THE AUDIENCE IF I DID I WOULD BUY A TICKET AND FACE THE OTHER WAY!! all those damn audience reaction shots…WHO FREAKING CARES!!!!!!!!!!! talk about ruining a good buzz….

      Doug, Dana, DR and Monet…I hope you all have a fun time this week I am watching the World Series and I really want my team to win.

      Talk to you guys later.

      You can just hear Blackie saying that can’t you? LOL…

    2. I’m going to assume your team is The Dodgers. If so, I think they might come up a little bit short this time round.

    3. Shannon, the camera shots on this DVD are the best I’ve ever seen, seriously! You can even select-a-stone! The menu options are great, you can even customize the setlist! Anyway, doesn’t look good for the Dodgers, being down 0-2, but it is the World Series, and anything can happen! I haven’t heard the fat lady sing yet! 😉

  3. I agree with some of what this guy has to say. Blues rock is an “endangered species” right now. And I hope young bands like Greta Van Fleet can bring it back. My problem with this band is that they are SO derivative of Led Zep!! I was much more forgiving with other blues based bands like Great White, Whitesnake, and even Kingdom Come that were accused of ripping off Zeppelin, because they did have their own sound and vibe. Of course, all bands in this genre are going to be compared to Zeppelin, because Zeppelin is the KING of this type of rock. But Greta Van Fleet just BLATANTLY tries to sound like Zeppelin. They have the whole hippie vibe going on, the singer uses the same phrasing and inflection in his voice as Robert Plant, etc. I have no doubt that these guys are talented, and if you have to rip someone off, you might as well go after the best! I just wish that they could develop their own sound. Until then, I will continue to listen to the original!

    1. Keith,

      I completely agree with all of your astute points, their sound is way too close for comfort. It is one thing to be influenced by an artist, and another, to sounds almost exactly like said artist.

      The guitarist’s comments do ring true. However, I don’t see GVF, as the new savior of the classic hard rock/blues sound, as there isn’t anything original to sustain their momentum, in long run. It seems like a temporary fad, and like with all trends, interest will wane once the next fad, comes along.

      The only thing I can see GVF possibly doing, is getting the youth interested in checking out the older rock band/s, that influenced their sound. But, if the younger generation connects these groups with their parents (hence old people music), they may opt out.

      What Rock really needs is a young hungry band, that has a retro sound, but does their own thing. For instance, a band like Jet, when they came out, they had a retro rock vibe, but their own sound. We need a young band who is like Jet to come out and just blow everyone away. Hopefully, GVF, will inspire a young rock band to form, who will emerge, and they will generate an enthusiasm, and new appreciation, for rock music.

    2. Thanks, Dana. Always good to have someone as knowledgeable as you agree with one of my posts! And don’t let any of the naysayers get to you! You do a terrific job with this site. Keep it up!

    3. Awww, Keith,

      You made me blush. Thank you so very much, and thank you for your insightful thoughts, as well.

      D 🙂

  4. I gave Greta Van Fleet’s album a quick listen (at least to the chorus of each song). The biggest problem with the album is that you never – for even one second – forget that “Hey, I’m listening to a band that’s trying to sound exactly like Led Zeppelin.”

    It’s totally cool for a band to be influenced – even highly influenced – by another band. Where these guys lose me is that they have no identity to themselves in any of their songs. Even the lead singer’s look is hilariously contrived – he looks like a kid who went on Amazon and bought a “Hippy ’70s Rocker” costume.

    Sooner than later, the band had better develop their own sound and identity because the novelty of their schtick is going to expire.

    Bottom line: If I want to listen to Led Zeppelin, I’ll listen to Led Zeppelin.

    1. As I stated once before, it isn’t just emulating Zeppelin’s sound, the titles of GVF songs are even similar to Zep’s:

      When The Curtain Falls/When The Levee Breaks
      Safari Song/Immigrant Song
      Lover Leaver/D’yer M’aker
      The New Day/Celebration Day
      Black Smoke Rising/Black Mountain Side
      Mountain of the Sun/Misty Mountain Hop

    2. Absolutely agree, RTunes68! I bought their first CD because of all the hype about them. I couldn’t believe how blatantly they were trying to be Led Zeppelin! I thought for sure someone would call them out on this in the music press, especially when you consider how many people slammed Kingdom Come back in the day when “Get It On” was released. Kingdom Come was nowhere near the Led Zeppelin clone band that GVF is! As you say, there is a difference between being influenced by an earlier band, and just totally ripping them off! GVF needs to develop their own sound fast, or they are done! Until they do, I’ll just keep listening to the original, thank you very much!

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