According to the New York Post , KISS’ Gene Simmons is ditching California for Nevada.

The bassist, and his wife Shannon Tweed, recently paid $8.2 million on an 11,000-square-foot spread in the desert of Henderson, Nev., just outside Las Vegas, according to reports.

“We are moving out of LA for a number of reasons,” Simmons, 71, told The Post back in March, citing among other gripes, onerous taxes that make California “inhabitable.”

“I’m done [with California],” he said. “There are earthquakes, fires and pandemics every year. Even though there is nice sunshine, I’m done.”

Simmons had lived for many years on a two-acre estate in Beverly Hills. That home is on the market for $20 million. He currently lives in a 12,000-square-foot mansion in Lake Tahoe.

His new Vegas pad reportedly boasts six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a koi pond and sprawling views of the desert valley.

31 Responses

    1. Hi EG

      Someone on the board already said it best – Gene moving to Vegas is his best business decision yet.

      Most Democratic states are being run into the ground

    2. hi grw,

      thanks, what i really meant to ask was how the change from l.a. to vegas climate might effect you.

    3. Nevada heat does wonders for my wig glue – may need a new vendor or develop one myself.

      Thanks for the concern

  1. I love the NY Post, but so much of their celebrity “news” reeks of celebrities and/or their PR rep planting the news for some self-aggrandizing, self-promotional purpose. In the case of Gene “Mr. Shameless Self-Promotion” Simmons, I have to question why the NY Post has run MULTIPLE stories about Gene’s real estate moves. Are these stories just to keep his name in the press while KISS’ tour is sidelined because of Covid? Are these stories meant to keep him in the press while KISS plans to relaunch their tour?….or is there some sort of Gene Simmons real estate partnership/promotion business venture coming in the not-too-distant future where Gene gets to fashion himself as a “real estate mogul” who’s made all the right moves at the right times, profited exorbitantly, and now wants you to invest your money in some “get rich like Gene in real estate” venture?

    Maybe I’m being overly cynical, but I don’t think it’s entirely unwarranted, given that it is Gene Simmons, after all….

    1. RTunes,

      While I cannot guarantee there isn’t some monetary compensation or incentive, I believe the Post covers Simmons because he is a born, and bred New Yorker. If he was relocating from NY elsewhere, they would cover that story, as well. It’s also fills up the Entertainment/Gossip column.

    2. dana you made a big boo boo, gene wasnt ny born, or even u.s. born….he was born in israel.. the guy above just read that and flipped his racoon wig.

    3. You’re right, I am sorry. I keep forgetting he was born in Israel because he has been Stateside for most of his life. However, I still consider him a New Yorker. He was raised here, and the band was formed here….

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