Former Ozzy Osbourne drummer Lee Kerslake has received the platinum discs he asked the vocalist for last month.

Kerslake played on Ozzy’s first two solo albums Blizzard Of Ozz and Diary Of A Madman, but due to a legal dispute over credits, the drummer didn’t get the recognition for the part he played in their creation.

Speaking with the Metal Voice last month, Kerslake – whose doctors recently gave him eight months to live due to his bone and prostate cancer – revealed he had written a letter to Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne asking for the discs.

He said, “I would like to get a couple of them to put on my wall before I die. It’s on my ‘bucket list.’”

Over the weekend, Ozzy posted a picture of Kerslake with the discs, saying: “I’m so glad that Lee Kerslake is enjoying his Blizzard and Diary platinum albums. I hope you feel better. Love, Ozzy.”

The Metal Voice also report that the discs will be officially presented to the drummer at the Hall Of Heavy Metal History on January 23 in Anaheim by CEO Pat Guesaldo.

The occasion will be filmed for inclusion in Kerslake’s documentary, which is currently being worked on.

additional source: Classic Rock via

11 Responses

    1. Eddie – great job on the recent 3 Sides of the Coin interview. You probably needed a bottle of Motrin after

    2. Looking forward to the podcast. Really interested in hearing what Lee has to say about all of this.

  1. I hope lee has also received his share of royalties from Ozzy / Sharon over the years , I believe he wrote/co-wrote quite a bit of those first two albums -He is an incredible drummer and musician, I’m glad Ozzy got those platinum albums to him – I cant wait for his documentary to come out , I’m sure we will learn quite a bit about Lee’s amazing musical history how he started out and then with Uriah Heep and of course Ozzy -I hope he is receiving great medical care and I hope he is still feeling well –

  2. Another very informative interview by Eddie.

    I found myself a little sad during it. As we’re on the backside of the greatest period in rock history and loosing our heroes daily.

    Eddie handled it with the love and respect for Lee and the sensitivity hes shown throughout his career for the people and music we all love.

    I was glad Ozzy did what was right. Now go ask Sharon to cut a check and send it to Lee. You won’t even miss it, I’m sure.

    This is why the hard rock and heavy metal community is the greatest group of people on the planet.

    Thank you Eddie and Lee for all you’ve brought to the party.

    Respect and Love!

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