eddie'sbook2small Eddie’s multi-city tour, complete with signings, radio events and giveaways, and more kicks off tonight (September 24th) at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square with a signing open to the public from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30p.m., and then a private party to follow. We’ve also taken over the digital marquee in Times Square for today, which will broadcast the book and signing info to thousands.

Also, keep an eye out over the next week for 15-second commercial spots which will be airing on on VH1 Classic and can be viewed below.

Other Eddie news includes a metal pinterest board and Spotify playlists featuring band “discographies” from the book. Tour dates, playlists, and more are up on the blog.


8 Responses

  1. I really enjoyed and thought Eddie did a nice job with his introspect and choice of “essential/important/influential” hard rock and metal bands. A genre that is deserving of that attention for sure. But having a 2nd book…? To me you are watering down “essential” a little bit.
    I know we all have our fav’s,likes and dislikes, partial to and being bias because you are friends and etc…..but lets be objective. I am not sure how many of the artist in this book I would call essential.
    I am not basing this on popularity or notoriety. You can be a great artist and fly under the radar for most of your career.
    The two that stand out the most I would say are Kings X and Saxon. But Extreme ,Buckcherry, Dokken,Lita ford, Ace Frehley,Great White,Night Ranger,Manson,Ratt White Lion, WASP??!!
    Yes they may have had a “moment or two” in the spotlight for a couple of years and have some talent, but I doubt I would call any of the artist mentioned above “Essential” metal and hard rock.

    Webster defines the word essential as “extremely important and necessary, indispensable.

    I just dont see any of those bands falling into that catergory. If I was going to turn on a music fan that is unfanilair to that genre and give them “essential” it would harldy be any of the artist listed in his 2nd. I love Hughes. Big fan of his and what he does, never miss any of his stuff. But I think I would be objective enough , I would not call him essential. It might be to you, but in the grand scheme of that genre, no way. Maybe honorable mention. I love EARLY Accept, Y&T,Whitesnake and Triumph, but I doubt I would throw them into that list.

    Keep it elite!!!

    1. And just as many people would say the opposite and have no clue who Saxon or King’s X are. It is just my OPINION and bands I like, which is why my name is above the title. NEVER said I was the law and knew it all and my word is all that matters. Just MY personal world of music. Thanks for reading and your comments

    2. “And just as many people would say the opposite and have no clue who Saxon or King’s X are.”– Hence “I am not basing this on POPULARITY or NOTORIETY. You can be a great artist and fly under the radar for most of your career.”. Phud already acknowledged as much.

      Speaking of the title, I believe that is where his(legitimate)gripe originates. You may not be the “law”, but “essential” is…well…essential. A clearly defined static concept comfortably defined by overwhelming consensus. And OPINIONS can be wrong. Further, “Essential… Volume II” is rather paradoxical, as one book should neatly cover all that is…essential. Finally, it reads to me like Phud was simply, and respectfully, expressing his OPINION, and said nothing about you claiming to be the law or that your word was all that mattered.

      Per Phud’s argument, perhaps this book would’ve been better titled “One-Hit Hair Metal Party Bands! Volume I…Of Many More To Come!” Kidding, of course. Sort of. By the way, any mention of Richie Kotzen in the book? Still kidding.

  2. Congrats on the book Eddie! Hope you’re doing a signing at Bookends in Ridgewood, NJ. Remember that one from the first book? It was the one where everything was set up downstairs, and you remarked when you first came down that you didn’t know the store HAD a downstairs, and got nervous when you entered upstairs to find no one there. Nearly a “Spinal Tap” moment!

  3. Having read (and enjoyed!) Eddie first book, I understood those to be the bands he feels are “essential” to the genre. That said, the term “essential” doesn’t always have to have mass appeal; it could just be the artists Eddie deems “essential” to his personal music catalog. Hence, his need for a volume 2. He’s been a fan for a long time and has an important history in the biz, so by default, he has more insight than the Average Joe. Doesn’t mean his opinions are any better, just means he can offer stories most others can’t. And that’s the point: there’s a ton of great rock/metal bands, and he wants us to learn about as many as he has time to write about. To argue about who should be in book 2 or whether a second one was even warranted is to assume we all agree on those featured in book 1. Perhaps book 1 should have just had 10 bands? Or 5? It’s all debatable. But to take issue with a book’s title seems petty. And if you don’t like the bands inside, don’t buy it. Eddie, I look forward to books 3, 4 and so on, no matter what they are called. Thanks for flying the flag!

    1. Thanks for getting it! My name is above the title because they are bands that I was connected with. Never said I was writing the bible of metal. Simply my stories and bands i want to write about. People read into things it seems WAY too much sometimes. Thanks

  4. I think it is cool he came in by train like so many times to the Garden…I did that forever to Grand Central Station to the Central Park summer shows/Pier shows/MSG/Palladium/Savoy/Radio City/Ritz. Kinda cool you get to sign stuff. You should do Chiller, wish I coulda met Alice Cooper Band/Vanilla Fudge/Kiss members and freakin Zacherle & the late Soupy Sales there in past shows.

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