billward300 As previously reported, original Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward was interviewed for the latest episode of Eddie Trunk’s podcast, Eddie Trunk Podcast and made a few statement’s about Black Sabbath’s latest album, 13.

Ward told Eddie, “I didn’t think [13] was successful at all. Well, in terms of live attendance, I think it’s gonna go, ’cause the band’s really well known. But I really didn’t… I was working on detachment — serious detachment — and I wanted to make sure that I went down the line and detached myself as much as possible. I had to stop loving them, because if you’re loving a dog as it’s biting you and ripping your insides out, it’s hard to love a dog that’s doing that. So, I actually stopped loving them, and I had to learn what we call detachment. So whatever they were doing, I could care less. I wasn’t interested in the f–king album 13. I’ve heard twenty bars of it — that’s all I’ve heard — and then I turned it off and said, ‘That’s a pile of shit,’ and that’s the truth. And I couldn’t care less what they were doing on tour.”

According to blabbermouth.net, after some web sites reported on the interview by using Ward’s “pile of shit” comment in the headline in reference to the “13” album, Ward took the opportunity on the latest edition of his radio show, “Rock 50“, to set the record straight. He said, “I found myself getting into trouble again this week in the press. [Laughs] Man, I just can’t seem to say the right thing without getting slaughtered by some of our friends in the press. It’s quite amazing.”

I did a nice interview with a friend of mine, Eddie Trunk, as you know, this week, and, of course, some of the contents of the interview has been taken out, and kind of out of context as well, and they are making headlines right now. NME, I believe, in Great Britain, and I think there was one in Classic Rock as well, that I called Black Sabbath’s album 13 complete shit or something like that. And it’s just, like, ‘Man…. Man…’ You know, it’s, like, ‘Ooooh…’

Let me get a couple of things straight here. I really, really love those guys. I am so passionate in my love for them. They are fantastic musicians. I never faulted their musicianship — ever. I’ve played with these guys since I was a teenager. And I just… I love them. I’m in a dispute with them.

…Let’s go back to 13 for a second, so I can make it clear for the record. I heard about twenty, twenty-four bars of one track — one track — on 13, and I listened to it, and I just didn’t like it at all; I just didn’t like it. And I have that right not to like it. Recently, at the Ivor Novello Awards, where I was with Tony [Iommi] and Geezer [Butler], Geezer mentioned to me that he bought, or he downloaded, my new CD, which was Accountable Beasts. I said, ‘What did you think of the album?’ He said, ‘I love it musically, but I can’t stand it vocally.’ It just so happens that Geez doesn’t like my singing. He has that right…. He has that right not to like it. But I’m f–ked if the press is gonna slam me up the wall or come out with some pretentious bulls–t about using headlines that are completely out… You know, it’s just, like, what the f–k is all that about?

I’m just saying it from my heart, if you’re listening out there: Hey, get a clue! I really dig these people that I’m talking about, and I listened to twenty-four bars. I haven’t heard the rest of the album 13. I haven’t heard it. And I never listened to it. One of the reasons I didn’t wanna listen to it was because I felt it would be quite painful to listen to. Not musically, but emotionally, it’s quite painful to listen to something that you wanted to be part of, but were unable to be part of, because I’m fighting for some principles in my life, and that includes the way that I interact with those three guys — Black Sabbath. It’s about principles, folks. That’s all it is, okay? So when these big headlines come out like that, then… Oooh. Man! Talk about fanning the flames… Man….

Anyway, just for the record, I love Tony, I love Geezer, and I love Ozzy Osbourne, and they are great musicians. And I am letting all the Ozzy fans know that as well.”

To listen to Eddie’s podcast with Bill Ward, please click here.

14 Responses

  1. I don’t blame Bill for not caring about/not liking 13. Ozzy said basically the same thing in an interview in which he was asked about what he thought about the music Sabbath made without him, particularly the music they made with Ronnie. He flat out said he didn’t care to hear it and what he did hear of it just didn’t sound like Black Sabbath. So he just didn’t care about the other versions of the band and I didn’t blame him for that either, just like I don’t blame Bill in this current situation.

    1. Either way, I thought 13 was very overrated, especially listening back to it now. It sounds tired and plodding, no youth, no exuberance. Ya, I know they’re old, but still. Even old Sabbath, as dark as it is, has some energy to it. The songs all sound the same. I don’t know if having Ward playing drums would have mattered.

      In my opinion Rick Rubin butchered the mastering as well, he did the same with Death Magnetic.

      On another note, I think Dio was the energy and sound Sabbath needed at the time. Sure, it’s not Ozzy singing, but lets be honest, how long can Ozzy’s droning voice be vaguely interesting to listen to? If it weren’t for the guitarists and song writers Ozzy surrounded himself with, very smartly I might add, he would have been done a long time ago, but I suppose that was Sharon’s doing.

    2. I think the actual thing Ozzy said was how he didn’t keep a picture of his ex-wife, so why would he listen to Sabbath without him? As for me, I love the albums they did with Ronnie. You’re right, they needed the energy Ronnie brought. He lit a fire under them and inspired Tony to come up with some of the best riffs and music of his career. Tony and Geezer played like demons on those albums. I hold HEAVEN AND HELL and MOB RULES as sacred as I do the first six studio albums with Ozzy. Ozzy’s opinion and his reasons for dismissing the albums with Ronnie is his own personal reasons and I understand that. But, in my opinion, those albums with Ronnie are among the greatest in heavy metal history.

  2. This is getting boring. Whether it’s 24 bars or 24 minutes or 24 songs, he said it: “it’s a pile of s–t”. Not sure how the “24 bars” qualifies that any; the bottom line is, he is bitter, and he’s not getting the deal he wants. For all his “honesty”, if he just came out and said that and been done with it, it’d be a lot different. This isn’t “honesty”, it’s just his opinion. All the psycho-babble in the world doesn’t change that; it’s just his opinion.

    1. That’s what everything related to music is, an opinion. Mine, yours, Eddie’s, whomever’s. It’s what makes the interwebz go ’round and rustles the jimmies.

    2. Yes. This seems to be yet another instance of someone trying to make excuses for their mistakes. It’s all about passing the buck to absolve oneself of blame. Our society is very good at doing that these days.

  3. Hate to say it, but I’m really getting tired of Bill Ward. He’s making Sammy Hagar look diplomatic. If you didn’t listen to the album, just say you didn’t listen to it. If you don’t like Sharon, then don’t like Sharon or whatever. No Sharon……no Ozzy – just remember that. She can be the biggest witch in the entire history of music. But Ozzy’s not the Mr. Magoo he makes himself out to be either. They both play a role. Don’t like the contract? Hire a better lawyer. Just remember if Tony and Geezer really wanted Bill in Sabbath, he’d be there. Sharon doesn’t call the shots for them. He bailed on them how many times over the years…….?

  4. today bill loves them,(hes hoping to get them to agree to his unsignable contract)he figures the last tour thing he dosent want to pass this last time chance to make that black sabbath money so hes playing nice,then after they dis him and go out on tour with another drummer ,he will be back to hating them again

    1. Jeff,

      Although, I am supposed to be objective, I am just trying to shed some possible light on how I interpret Ward may be feeling regarding this situation.

      He is hurt and feels betrayed, so therefore, his heart is torn. He will always love his former bandmates for all of the years they were like an extended family where they shared good experiences and memories together. But he is also devastated, because those very same “brothers” did not seem to stand up for him during contract negotiations, nor seemed to care enough to keep his best interest at heart. It seems like it was every man for themselves.

      How would you feel if you felt those that you loved the most, betrayed you? I would imagine, you would have conflicting emotions from day to day, hour to hour. So, it is with Ward. He is human, and his feelings are greatly conflicted, because he was hurt by those he loved and trusted the most.

      Just my thoughts…

      D 🙂

    2. ‘Betrayed’ is a strong word. Your assuming Bill is 100% correct in his statements Dana. Like usual I’m sure there is truth on both sides of the argument. But I don’t think Ozzy and Sharon are the only ones leading this crusade. I believe Tony and Geezer could have Bill in the family if that’s what they really wanted. Lets remember the countless times Bill walked out on this band. I’m sure Tony remembers.

    3. True,

      There is no question that there are three other sides of the story. However, I was only addressing Ward’s P.O.V., because that is the only member, Jeff was addressing in his post. I was trying to explain why Ward’s statements may come off as contradictory. It is obviously due to his conflicting emotions.

      Also, based upon what he has been saying in the press, one can largely infer that he does feel betrayed. I don’t think that is a strong word, I truly believe that is how he is feeling.

      D 🙂

    4. I hear ya. But if he is feeling betrayed, that says alot of his emotional or mental state at this time. He knows better than most that its a business first and foremost. A business he walked out on multiple times whenever something didn’t suit him. So I see where your coming from. I think a better word to describe him is bitter. Like I say, Tony Iommi ultimately is Sabbath. He would overrule anything Sharon would want or say. He found out he had cancer and thus far is keeping it at bay. He’s made his peace with Ozzy over the years to the point they made music together again and he knows this isn’t going on forever as he stares his own mortality in the face. So despite all that, he still doesn’t have Ward in the fold currently. That says a lot to me about what is and has been going on between Ward and Sabbath. Like usual – great chat.

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