RitchieBlackmore640 Nearly two decades after a switch to medieval music, former Deep Purple and Rainbow co-founder Ritchie Blackmore says he might play rock again – but not for long.

“Just for a few days, next June,” Blackmore reveals, in a new interview with the French newspaper Le Parisien.. “But for now, I’m not decided on the persons I want to work with. I’ve got a good idea about the ideal candidates, but it wouldn’t be fair to say anything now. I will know exactly in one month who I want to have in this band to play Deep Purple and Rainbow songs. We will probably play three or four shows in June; that’s all.”

“I think that [former Rainbow singer] Joe [Lynn Turner] will not be part of the adventure, and he doesn’t know it yet,” Blackmore counters. “He does his thing, I like him, and I made good albums and good songs with him, like Street of Dreams. But I’m thinking about doing a mixture in the band, with famous people and not so famous ones. That’s my state of mind at the moment, and you’re the first person I talk to about it.”

When the journalist thanked Blackmore for the scoop, he stated “there should be about three or four people who might be interested.”

additional source:

18 Responses

  1. I’m guessing David Coverdale isn’t on the radar either since Ritchie turned down DC’s invitation to play on the Whitesnake MKIII covers album.

    I’d love to see this turn into a tour since I’ve never seen Blackmore in person, but I’m not holding my breath. But, I’m hoping Ritchie could do one more rock album and one more rock tour before retiring to his castle.

  2. Kenneth I believe that DC was the one that backed out of the Blackmore involement on The Purple Album,I will stand corrected if wrong but it seemed in David’s interview that he and Ritchie’s reps didn’t agree on the “conditions” set forth.
    I agree with most of you,Candice has had Ritchie’s balls in her gypsy bag ever since they met.I saw Rainbow in 82 and Deep Purple in 85,seems like a lifetime ago now.
    Ritchie none of us are getting any younger,so please do this for us fans! At least we can get a NEW Live CD/Blu ray from it.
    I feel for JLT he’s been banging the Ritchie come back to rock Drum for a while(like him or not) maybe he’s gotten Ritchie considering it now.
    If Ritchie is willing to do a few shows I’d like to see an all star event perhaps each show he would rotate the line-up Invite Coverdale,Hughes,Turner,Bonnet,White to sing per night. split the night with all of them perhaps. I’d love to see Daisley and Carey on stage with Ritchie again (RIP Cozy and Ronnie). And really make it a night…. lure Airey,Glover and Paice away from DP as well.
    No matter Ritchie’s final decision I will always say he was/is the GREATEST Hard Rock Guitarist of them all.. go listen to “A Light in the Black” from Rainbow Rising and tell me who else in 1976 was kickin ass like The Man in Black

  3. I hope they don’t charge $25 for some grog, and a mutton leg at the show. I heard the half time of the concert will feature Medieval jousting. Also, having a practicing wizard on stage can cause problems with the Union. Supposedly, the backstage rider will call for eye of newt and a large cauldron.
    All joking aside, I love Purple and Rainbow, so I hope this happens.

  4. lost in translation: Richie blackmore is considering a brief return to Rockville centre, long island for a pint on the way to casa blacka.

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