deesnider400 As previously reported, Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider and KISS frontman Paul Stanley have been taking swipes at each in the press after Stanley was questioned about an interview Snider did with Eddie Trunk.

During the Eddie’s podcast interview, Dee criticized KISS for allowing guitarist Tommy Thayer and drummer Eric Singer to wear Ace Frehley and Peter Criss’ makeup. Stanley fired back on Jericho’s podcast by stating that Snider “is a wannabe, has always been a wannabe and desperately wants attention and to be taken seriously, and that will never happen because he’s obviously clueless that he and his whole band are a bunch of buffoons.”

Now Snider has posted the following retort to Stanley on his Facebook page:

A letter to Paul Stanley of Kiss in response to comments about Twisted Sister and myself he made on a recent Chris Jericho podcast.

Dear Paul, September 9th, 2015

First off, thanks for giving me the attention I—as you noted– so desperately wanted.

Now, I’ve always had nothing but respect for your band, and you as a performer, but it really comes as no surprise that the feeling isn’t mutual. For some reason you are oddly threatened by me. This said, your recent comments about my band and I on Chris Jericho’s podcast was a typical diversionary tactic used in an attempt to change the subject, rather than answer the actual accusation or question. It’s the oldest interviewing trick in the book.

As far as my “whole band being a bunch of buffoons” goes, that’s a pretty ironic statement coming from you. The argument could easily be made that Kiss is the “king of the buffoons”, so in an odd way you’ve paid Twisted Sister quite a compliment. It takes one to know one.

Lastly, on the subject of me being a “wannabe”? Do you really think so? Well then…any time, any stage. But let’s do this old school –no costumes, no pyro, no bullshit – let’s just get up there and rock. I will bury you, son.

Sincerely, the attention getting, wannabe, lead buffoon of Twisted Sister,

Dee Snider

PS: Did I mention that I’m clean, sober, razor sharp and fully capable of defending myself from any kind of lame attack? Just ask Al Gore. 🙂

18 Responses

  1. Has anyone actually listened to podcast where Paul responds to a question about Dee?
    The Dee part took all of a minute at the end.
    The rest was about the 40th Anniversary of ALIVE! Want to know what Paul said about ACE and Peter? Playing with them was magical. Lets see what else did mister arrogant Paul Stanley say.
    Sean Delanney was invaluable. Paul gave him credit for coming up with most of the bands moves you still see on stage today. (Tommy might be doing Sean’s moves not ACE’s there Dee.)
    Bogart came up with the drum kit rising.
    JR SMALLING came with “You wanted the best and you got it” all on his own. It was up to the road manager to intro the band and that was all his.
    At the time of recording ALIVE! Paul was making 60 bucks a week.
    Bill Aucoin had put a lot of the bands tour expenses on his American Express Card.
    There is a lot more to the podcast than Dee bashing.
    And lets be honest. Dee being clean and sober means nothing. Paul never had to get clean.
    Paul is a much better singer than Dee. ALIVE III, Revenge, CoS, Unplugged, are a few highlights.
    As for Al Gore…..Dee its 2015 that was 1984…..31 years ago. You do know what year it is right?
    Tommy has been in KISS since what 2003? And now your complaining ?
    And what about the freaking truck load of TS members??!?!
    As for KISS being a tribute band then I suppose the following are as well:
    I could go on.
    Get real.
    Dee’s original comments were sophomoric and stupid.
    As for deflection, Paul NEVER said he was a better singer than Dee. Dee is the one deflecting.
    Because Paul is right. And that’s why Dee is pissed.

  2. Its a free country to choose what you want to waist your money or time on and like Eddie I respect that Eric and tommy are great musicians but if you want to be in This band your going to do whatever
    Gene and Paul want because your just a paid musician playing a part od two of the original members and nothing more, they got more than enough of my money already and that’s just fine with them as they can find others to get more money out of.

  3. Dee and Paul should dress as women, heels included (hardly a stretch), and face off on an obstacle course, all set to the tune of “There’s no business like Show business” by Ethel Merman.
    Now that’s entertainment 😉

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