DavidLeeRoth640 Van Halen frontman David Lee Roth has paid tribute to his club owner uncle Manny Roth, who’s died at the of 95.

His Cafe Wha? establishment in New York gave Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and many others a kickstart to their careers in the 1960s and 70s.

Best known as the place where Animals bassist Chas Chandler saw Hendrix playing and became his manager, the establishment opened in 1959 and played host to leaders of the beat generation movement in its early years. Roth was reputed to have spent his last $100 on decorating it before it opened.

Cafe Wha? also helped launch the careers of comedians including Woody Allen, Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor.

Singer Roth has blacked out his website in tribute, with a short note reading: “Uncle Manny has passed away. He was happy, laughing and smiling right up ’til the end. His presence already missed, his contributions with us for ever.”

The venue’s Facebook page reports: “He was a legend in discovering talent and he will be dearly missed by us all. Thanks for everything, Manny – and we hope to continue your legacy long into the future.”

Van Halen played a one-off show in Cafe Wha? in 2012, and Lee Roth recently devoted an episode of his web TV show to his uncle’s establishment. Watch it below.

source: classicrockmagazine.com

7 Responses

  1. Mr. Roth,
    My pop always said to me that when losing a loved one, if you have no pain, then you didn’t have true love or wonderful memories of that person. It is a unique thing to have great memories and love for someone. Many never get that fulfillment in life. Prayers for you and the family sir.

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