The death of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins is suspected as a drug overdose.

According to the Daily Mail, he reportedly had “ten different types of drugs in his system” when he died in the five-star Casa Medina hotel in Bogota.

Well-known Colombian journalist Luis Carlos Velez, the Bogota-based director of radio station FM, claimed earlier today that a police officer who entered 50-year-old Hawkins’ room had told prosecutors he saw a “cocaine-like” white powder. 

Meanwhile, respected Colombian newspaper El Tiempo said a confidential report it had been informed about pointed to hallucinogens – mind-altering drugs that can include LSD – being found inside the hotel room…

…Colombia’s Attorney General’s Office can confirm the following after the initial autopsy on the body of Taylor Hawkins.

“That in the toxicology test on Taylor Hawkins’ urine 10 types of substances were preliminarily found, including marijuana, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and opioids.

The National Institute of Forensic Medicine is continuing its medical studies to be able to completely clarify the facts that led to Taylor Hawkins death…”

…The drummer has reportedly had a history of drug use…

Additionally, the New York Post is reporting that  heart that weighed double the average for men his age.

Forensic experts during an examination found Hawkins heart weighed “at least 600 grams,” double the average of 300 to 350 grams.

…Hawkins, a father to two teenage children, had openly discussed his drug and overdose struggles years before what the band called his “tragic and untimely” death. 

Four years after joining Foo Fighters, Hawkins overdosed on heroin and ended up in a coma in 2001 which he later described as the result of him “taking it too far.”

Foo Fighters were scheduled to perform at the Lollapalooza Festival in Brazil tonight (3/27) and at the Grammy Awards a week later, on April 3rd.

The band also had multiple tour dates scheduled through December in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 

6 Responses

  1. Wishing peace and healing to the family, band, friends and fans. We all know that abusing drugs and alcohol are bad for you. The message has been clear and out there for decades. I’m not here to criticize the man however. Let thee who live in glass houses cast the first stone.

    I’m a choclaholic. I can’t get enough chocolate ever. Been that way my entire life. I’m also a type 2 diabetic. Obviously sweets, high carb and high sugar foods are not good for me. In the past 5 years I’ve lost my right big toe, half of my 2nd right toe and dealt with numerous diabetic ulcers on my feet including a very painful one in a bad spot on my left heel. It took these life changing amputations to get the message. I’ve drastically changed my diet for the better over the past 5 years. But I still have the chocolate issue and at this point I’m gonna say it’s nearly impossible for me to overcome it despite knowing the consequences.

    I’ve cut back tremendously on candy bars, cookies, etc and substituted things such as fiber one brownies and other low carb, low sugar options. But if we go to someone’s house and they have a candy bowl out, it’s over. I have no self control over it. Sometimes when I go grocery shopping and I’m standing in the checkout lane, I’ll see candy bars everywhere and I’ll buy one while telling myself it’s ok, one won’t hurt you. But these things add up and take a toll on your body over the long haul. I’m 47. If I’m still alive in 15 years it’ll be a miracle.

    The moral of the story is we all have our vices. Chocolate seems pale in comparison to drug abuse, etc. But essentially, it’s damaging the body the same way that drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc damage bodies. And when you overdo it, the end result is usually death. So before we prejudge Taylor or anyone one else who struggles with their respective vices on a daily basis, let’s all look in the mirror at ourselves and get a grip on our own lives as well as the loved ones in our lives who might be affected by our personal choices. Rock on!

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