armoredsaint640 Armored Saint have signed a new deal with Metal Blade Records for the release of the band’s next studio album, due in 2015, reports Blabbermouth.

“We have been with Metal Blade for the last three records now,” singer John Bush said during an appearance on Inside Metal with host Bob Nalbandian. “[Metal Blade head honcho] Brian [Slagel] is awesome. Without Brian, there would, basically, not be Armored Saint, quite frankly; there would not be a band. I mean, for him I think it’s a labor of love. He’s not looking to go out and buy a new house in Miami Beach with the revenue that he’s gonna get from Armored Sait. He does it ’cause he cares, and he wants it, and he believes in us, and he knows that he likes the music that we’re making, and we’re extremely honored and happy that he does that.”

Regarding the progress of the next CD, Bush stated, “We’ve been writing songs for about a year, a year and a couple months, maybe, and we’re about ready to do drums. Everything’s done a little differently these days, as far as recording-wise. But a lot of vocals have been already sung. And it’s gonna be awesome.”

He continued, “[Bassist] Joey [Vera] is gonna produce. He’s just really coming into his own as far as a jack of all trades, and a master. He’s awesome. He’s a great writer. He’s very, very meticulous in the way he does everything, and he gets the job done. He’s written some great stuff. And we have an awesome camaraderie as far as writing together. I’m proud of what we’re doing, I think it’s gonna be a cool record. We don’t have a title yet, but it will come out next year, and then we’ll do some shows.”

Armored Saint’s new album will feature the following songs, among others:

* Win Hands Down
* Mess
* Muscle Memory
* An Exercise In Debauchery
* In An Instant
* Up Yours

Speaking about the song Up Yours, Bush said, “It’s gonna be a great song. [It’s got a] very big anthem-type vibe to it. It’s not gonna sound anything like Can U Deliver, but if there was a vibe that just kind of felt like that, it’s this song. And it’s cool. It’s got a cool title and a fun chorus that you can sing along to.”

Watch John Bush’s interview on Inside Metal below.

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4 Responses

  1. All I can say is YES!!!!
    Thank God! La Raza is one of my favorite albums and these guys are amazing. I am surprised they are not much more successful than other bands.

  2. Can’t wait!! I’ve followed Armored Saint since their LA club days. Great band that, in my opinion, should have had more success than they did. John Bush is one of the most under rated vocalists in heavy metal. It’s the March of the Saint!!!

  3. I’m a huge fan of Armored Saint. Raising Fear is still one of my favorite metal albums to this day and Chemical Euphoria is still one of my favorite metal songs of all time. They should have been bigger than they were.

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