Anthrax - 2015 Anthrax have revealed the title and the release date for their forthcoming album. The record will be called, For All Kings and will be available on February 26th, 2016. See the video announcement, the band created, below.

Anthrax also recently released a lyric video for Evil Twin from the forthcoming record, please click here to listen to the song.

“I was very affected by the Charlie Hebdo massacre as I have been with all of the shootings that have taken place at schools and movie theatres,” said guitarist/lyricist Scott Ian. “I can’t figure out what would cause someone to think that was the right thing to do. ‘I’ll show the world, I’ll make my God happy.’ It’s just such bullshit. I’m not bagging on religion, that’s not my intent, but people who go to that extreme, who feel they have become judge, jury and executioner over their fellow man because you or I don’t believe the same thing they do, I think that’s the Evil Twin of humanity. Writing words about that is my only catharsis.”

In other Anthrax news, the band recently announced that it will be releasing a special 30th anniversary edition of their classic album Spreading The Disease, on November 20th. Read more about this special release by clicking here.

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