StevenTylerJoePerry400 Steve Baltin of Rolling Stone spoke with Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and guitarist Joe Perry about…Portions of the interview appear below.

Rolling Stone: You have a few U.S. dates on the horizon. Where does Aerosmith go from here?

Tyler: Joe has done, like, four solo albums. I never have, though with lyrics and arrangements and so forth a lot of Aerosmith albums are just fine for me. It’s cathartic. But I had a lot of fun doing (It) Feels So Good. I wrote that with Marti Frederiksen. I’ve got this itch in me to do a solo record, and that’s what I’m gonna do next. I’ve got some great people that want to get involved in it. It’s early on right now, but that’s the itch I got. I got that itch to do something that’s a lot different than Aerosmith. Aerosmith’s never been better, but we did that album. This last album was an Aerosmith all-for-one-and-one-for-all. But my heart is in stuff like that weirder, off-the-cuff stuff that I’m not sure Aerosmith would like. I’m into electronica – I was when I used to listen to Stockhausen in ’65. So there’s just a lot of stuff – good, weird fucking music that I want to get off my chest. The band will be playing, and we’re going to China and Singapore. It’s gonna open up a whole new world for Aerosmith. So Aerosmith will always be around, but I got this itch and I know how to scratch it.

RS: Who are you looking to work with on the solo record?

Tyler: There’s so much good stuff out there. I am a huge Skrillex fan. I went to lunch with Deadmau5 at Mel’s Diner. He’s got incredible ideas for his next tour – blew me away, what he’s gonna do. He’s a single guy. He makes all the money himself when he puts the mouse head on, so he’s got a ton of money. He knows where to take it, and he’s still relevant. So it was a sick dinner, it was fucking unreal. I want to go out and explore things . . . I really want to take a little risk here and do something solo. There’s no timeline – I’m gonna start in January and see where we get by March.

RS: Joe, how is the book coming?

Perry: It’s a lot of work. It’s 42 years of keeping Aerosmith together, and then the other 20 that got me there. It’s a lot to sort through. I really want this to be as close to the truth, and what I can remember, as it can be. It isn’t like I’m sitting down and giving a couple of interviews and then letting my ghostwriter go off and figure it out. We’re working with him almost daily. So it’s cruising along. We’re probably three-quarters through the first draft, I’d say.

Read more at Rolling Stone.


5 Responses

  1. Irrelevant has been. Aerosmith’s last record BOMBED on every imaginable level, so just picture how rotten a reception a Tyler solo album would receive.

  2. Cant say that I am excited about it. Feels So Good was pretty bad, and MFAD was just ok. Does anybody really want to hear Steven do electronica ?? Skrillex , Deadmouse ?….this could be bad !!

  3. I’m so tired of Steven Tyler. Go back to Idol – at least you were creating a fan base that might have admired or cared about you still. As a classic rock musician, you’re tiring and everything that comes out of your mouth is annoying. I feel bad for the rest of the dudes in Aerosmith. They don’t deserve you.

  4. I’ve seen them every tour since Nixon….the most recent was the best they have ever been. To drop it for a solo disc that would sell peanuts is crazy.

  5. Man… all the hate in here. Aerosmith is still active and I consider it a good thing. I like MFAD. I agree it didn’t blow me away but I like it. I don’t think a man can say it bombed based on albums sales because let’s face it, that sector isn’t what it used to be. They are, hands down, one of the best live acts going right now. I saw them in Atlanta and Nashville on their last tour and you might as well say it was sold out both times. Huge crowd. If Steven needs to scratch his itch so be it.

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