AceFrehley600 Eddie Trunk interviewed KISS guitarist Ace Frehley for his podcast. Quotes from the interview, courtesy of, appear below.

Frehley discussing what he thinks about current KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer wearing his makeup:

“[Tommy is] not Ace Frehley by any stretch of the imagination, number one. Number two, what bothers me the most is that I know the new fans that KISS are getting don’t know it. A lot of people that see Tommy up there think he’s the original guy that created the makeup, that wrote great songs and wrote all those solos that he’s performing, but he’s not. He’s just a guy up there copying me and trying to move like me and trying to sing like me and trying to play like me. And that’s what bothers me the most. I mean, the real hardcore fans know. But the new fans, a lot of them don’t know.”

On the fact that he played with drummer Eric Singer who was wearing Peter Criss’ Catman makeup:

That was okay. I mean, Eric’s such a solid drummer, he’s a pleasure to play with, because you know the beat’s always gonna be there.” When asked if it was weird seeing someone else play in Criss’ makeup Ace said, “Well, you know, I don’t see as good as I used to, so when I look back, I can’t tell the difference. [laughs] Just like a lot of fans don’t know…I can’t tell you how many times I get phone calls and people say,’ Hey, Ace, I heard you’re playing here, I heard you’re playing there. Can you get me tickets?’ I go, ‘I’m not in the band anymore.’ Some people, still, are oblivious to that whole thing.”

To listen to Eddie’s podcast with Ace Frehley, please click here.

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137 Responses

  1. I screwed up that last sentence that should say this:::::::We are ALL fans….we are ALL fanatics. The difference is many of you take this very very PERSONALLY while I take this all with PERSPECTIVE….

  2. What a shocking revelation Ace, like you haven’t said that a million times already! ACK!

    But as a listened to the Ace Frehley podcast, Ace didn’t hesitate to bash Tommy Thayer for wearing his makeup/costume. However Eddie asked Ace what he thought of Eric Singer wearing Peter Criss’ makeup/costume WHILE ACE WAS STILL IN THE BAND. Ace never answered the question, and instead danced all around it. He refused to face the hypocrisy! And because Eddie is such good buds with Ace, he didn’t press him to answer the question either. So much for asking the tough questions. Another hypocrisy!

  3. I can easily say…anybody that still thinks it’s Ace and Peter in makeup with Kiss…well please introduce yourself because you just earned dumbest person in the world.

    1. It’s a joke, an outright lie that someone that would have Ace’s phone number would actually think he’s still in the band.LOL Of course their are casual fans that would think that, but like most interviews, he lied and wasn’t called on it. Still can’t believe that there wasn’t a follow up as to why it was wrong for someone to be in his makeup, that he sold, but OK for someone to be in PC’s make up.

  4. Ace, weren’t you going to stay on the high road?
    Just stay focused on your record, your career, and your future. You’re driving off the road here bashing Tommy and dissing Peter. Really? It’s all history now.
    And Eddie, you need to lay into this punk about dissing the catman. You know you do.

  5. i think ace is fucked up…he had no problem with eric carr ,but he has a problem with thayer????& in my opinion any one that at this point does not know that its not ace in kiss now is a fuckin moron….i like love ace as a player i saw him with kiss & solo.great!!!! but tommy is an great player in his own right & i love the music he has done with kiss & lets face it kiss every time they tour stanly says its going to be something no one has ever seen….its been the same fuckin show with the exception of a couple of new songs sprinkled in…i would love to see kiss totally change their set list…fuck … they have plenty of songs…so ace .. shut the fuck up .you have your career … move on….oh & as far as the scumbag rock & roll hall of fame jerkoffs, it should be any one that ever played in the bands & on the records should be allowed to in & on stage ….but i would not want to be in there any way if i was kiss or sabbath os many other bands that r in there with rap & punk fuck the r&r hof….zep should take their plaques out…
    just my opinion..

    1. Bob…”Take their plaques back”!!!!! OMG that’s f*cking hilarious!!!!!!!!! Excuse me, I’m Robert Plant, could you blokes give me my plaque back? Dude, I’m laughing out loud. I’m not being sarcastic. Good post brother.

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