Original KISS guitarist Ace Frehley rejoined his former bandmates on Wednesday during this year’s Kiss Kruise to perform an acoustic set of KISS classics. Also appearing with them was former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick, reports

KISS — Paul Stanley (vocals, guitar), Gene Simmons (bass, vocals), Tommy Thayer (guitar) and Eric Singer (drums) — are playing multiple shows during the eighth installment of their seagoing extravaganza, which embarked yesterday from Miami and will visit Key West, Florida, and Nassau in the Bahamas before returning to port on November 5th.

Frehley, whose solo band is one of the artists performing on the cruise, took the stage during KISS’s acoustic show on Wednesday and played four songs with the current KISS lineup: 2000 Man, New York Groove, Nothing’ To Lose and Rock And Roll All Nite. Kulick, who is also one of the cruise’s scheduled performers, joined in on acoustic guitar. Watch fan filmed video below.

KISS recently announced North American Tour Dates for their End Of The Road tour. The band also performed one of their classic songs, Love Gun on the October 30th episode of The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

Ace Frehley’s latest solo album, Spaceman, on October 19th through Entertainment One (eOne).

26 Responses

  1. That was nice, we’re almost there. Now somehow, bury the bullsh-t, get Peter and Vinnie in the mix, and let’s really go out with a bang!
    Here’s my wish list:
    Peter Criss
    Ace Frehley
    Vinnie Vincent
    Bruce Kulick
    Tribute to Eric Carr
    And some deep cuts!

    1. I would include tributes to Sean Delaney / Neil-Joyce Bogart / etc.for sticking with the band and help create the stage show. Also a recognition of Mark St John

      Deep cuts would be amazing:
      Mr Speed /Strange Ways / Getaway / Larger than Life come to mind

    2. Absolutely, grw, they all should be recognized. Realistically we know KISS won’t do many (if any) deep cuts, but I think it would be a great idea if they at least had a song poll on their site where you could vote for a deep cut or 2. That would be cool.

    1. When I saw Gene in MN with his band….you could go up there and meet him on stage and get your photo for free…I mean, no additional cost…I didn’t go up there but this knucklehead in 40’s, overweight, in freaking black spandex and this long hair…I bet he has some job where he works in human resources during the day….well, he goes up there and Gene said something nice to him like “You look like Rob Zombie..” that’s right, he had those boots too with the straps in the front and platforms…well, this guy comes off stage and starts freaking crying like a big baby…I mean, what is wrong with these people, seriously? And that’s what it takes to be someone’s fan? Really? That’s just beyond the valley of stupidity to me.

  2. I bought 3 tix for the San Diego show in Feb 2019. Only going to take our 12 year old son so he can see the spectacle that is KI$$, even if it’s this glorified tribute version of the band. And I, too, hope they have other surviving band members perform, as well as have tributes to those no longer with us. I, too, hope a couple of “deep cuts” make the set list, such as Room Service, Love Her All I Can, or Take Me. And I think it would be cool if each original member performed a song off their 1978 solo albums, a la the Dynasty tour.

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