KISS have formally announced their final shows, as their End Of The Road, will come to an end, this year.

Frontman Paul Stanley told Howard Stern, “December 1st and 2nd is Madison Square Garden. Those are the last two shows of the band. We’re finishing up where we started. I believe there are 17 shows before that in the States.”

“Some people have kind of snickered and said, ‘This End Of The Road tour has gone on for years.’ Yeah, we lost two and a half years to COVID,” he continued. “We would have been done already. Yeah, this is the end.”

When host Stern reminded bassist Gene Simmons that, in the past, he has said, he will shed tears at band’s final show, he said, “Oh, I’m sure. I kid around a lot about ‘men don’t do that.’ I’m sure I’m gonna cry like a nine-year-old girl whose foot’s being stepped on.

KISS was born on 23rd street. It’s only taken us 50 years to go play the final shows 10 blocks away on 33rd street, which is Madison Square Garden.”

Watch the video below.

KISS launched its farewell tour in January 2019 but was forced to put it on hold in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

End Of The Road was originally scheduled to conclude on July 17th, 2021 in New York City but has since been extended to late 2023. It was announced in September 2018 following a KISS performance of the band’s classic song Detroit Rock City on America’s Got Talent.

Formed in New York Formed in 1973 by StanleySimmons, drummer Peter Criss and guitarist Ace Frehley, the band had its first “farewell” tour in 2000, the last to feature the group’s original lineup.

[Dana’s note: Thank you to Robert Davenport for passing this news, and the youtube clip, along].

7 Responses

  1. Now that the lipsync sideshow is thankfully and mercifully coming to an end ..the burning question is ..will ACE & PETE be involved? will bruce ? Will miss vincent ? I would not be surprised if Paul kept ace and pete out by not paying them anything…… hopefully they step up for the true fans and skip the fakery and pay everyone well for the last go around and try and salvage some dignity and integrity if not for themselves for the fans …we shall see ~

    1. I’m with you on that ! Just saw their 3 song set on stern I gotta say they almost fooled me I thought paul was actually singing until ( dead giveaway) stern went out of his way to compliment stanley on his awesome voice saying he’s still got it ….I threw up on myself….

  2. I listened to them on Stern this morning. Same old story they always tell but Paul said the one mistake and regret he had was how they handled Eric Carr and that they should have handled it with much more sensitivity. I thought it was nice of him to say that.

    Boy they royally f–ked up rock n roll all nite during the solo on Stern. Wow. Either the lip sync tapes were triggered at the wrong time or something. They played it a second time and it proved the song was pre recorded because the exact same talk points during the song the first time were the exact same the second time in the exact same spots (Woooo….Let me hear ya, etc). Unbelievable!

    1. Concur. And, sadly, I think that’s what will happen. The original four members will find a way to f- it up.

      But who knows…..maybe the original four will perform an unmasked acoustic show somewhere and they’ll reunite, again, for a 50 year celebration tour.

      I did see Ace Frehley perform a couple of weeks ago in Solana Beach, CA. He’s still very capable.

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