Alice In Chains have released the third episode of Black Antenna, a dark sci-fi thriller set against the backdrop of the band’s Grammy-nominated album, Rainier Fog (BMG). Watch it below.

Black Antenna was directed by Adam Mason, written by Paul Sloan and Adam Mason and produced by Elizabeth Mason and Nick Vallelonga, who recently won two Oscars (“Best Original Screenplay”) and (“Best Picture”) for Green Book.

Black Antenna tells the story of Alpha (played by Green Book actor Paul Sloan) and his 21 year old daughter, Beta (Viktoriya Dov), who drive their beat-up truck across California in silence, speaking only telepathically. Together they rob and steal from the men the girl seduces, taking cellphones, laptops, whatever they can find.  Alpha is trying to build something – an antenna – desperately trying to find a way to get a message to their people back home. Meanwhile there are unspeakably dark forces who have discovered their existence, and are now hell-bent on tracking them down and eradicating them before more of their kind can come and join them.

“We get some new answers in Red Giant,’” says Mason. “Alpha isn’t from this world.  He crash landed here in his true alien form, stole a human body, and is now desperately trying to get a message to his people back home. We also realize that Beta wasn’t always with him, and that Alpha essentially pulled her from his own body, birthing her, because he was so lonely here on earth. Consequently Beta is caught between two places, feeling neither from our planet, or her own. We also learn that US immigration has a terrifying dude called Nil working for them, who is similarly not of this world, and is hell bent on tracking down and killing any illegal aliens that come onto his radar.”

Black Antenna also stars Darri Ingolfsson (Dexter) as Nil, Lily Robinson as Malum, Eric Michael Cole (Gia, White Squall, Hangman), Mike Hatton (Green Book), Luke Shelton, Jerry Raines, and Daniel Louis Rivas.

Special make up effects are by Autonomous FX (Blade Runner 2049, Bright, Mindhunter, Maze Runner). Jason Collins is an executive producer along with Alice In Chains.

Watch episodes One: The One You Know and episode Two: Rainier Fog, below.(Warning: Episode 2 contains some nudity)

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One Response

  1. All’s well that ends well. Rainier Fog IS the album of the year for 2018, and more than likely – 2019 as well! You know what I love about Jerry Cantrell? Besides being a great guitarist, he doesn’t try to change AIC, never has, unlike…

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