As previously reported, a Gary Moore tribute titled Moore Blues For Gary, and featuring artists such as Steve Lukather, Danny Bowes, Glenn Hughes, Joe Lynn Turner, Steve Morse, John Sykes, Neil Carter, Doug Aldrich, Eric Singer and more, will be released on October 26th.

The song Still Got The Blues (For You) featuring Danny Bowes (vocals), John Sykes (guitar), Don Airey (keyboards), Bob Daisley (bass), Rob Grosser (drums), can be streamed below.

Moore Blues For Gary is the brainchild of Bob Daisley (Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne), who had played bass with Moore since the early Eighties.

“In my opinion, Gary was one of the best guitarists who ever lived,” Bob Daisley said in a statement. “It was an honor for me to have worked with him and to have known him so well.”

Daisley continued, “When Gary passed away in 2011, the world lost one of the all-time greats. I don’t think that enough was said or done at the time to acknowledge the loss of such a great player so I took it upon myself to pay personal tribute to the man and record some new versions of his music, mostly from his blues catalog.

I asked many members of the Gary Moore family tree, and some other great players, to contribute to the project. The response was not only encouraging but very moving. It seems that the name Gary Moore is also synonymous with the words ‘respect,’ ‘honor’ and ‘greatness.’

I didn’t set out to recreate anything that Gary had done, or to compete in any way. These arrangements and performances represent a ‘hats off’ to Gary and nothing more.

Long live the memory of Robert William Gary Moore. Yes, he was another ‘Bob’ — something that I wasn’t aware of for all of those years that I worked with him.

I feel such gratitude towards the people who contributed to this album and I’m honored to have worked with them all.”

To read more about this special project, and to view a track listing, please click here.

additional source:

6 Responses

  1. This guy has a perfectly good singing voice, but I was hoping John would have sung on this song.

    However. his tone sounds amazing, and I am so glad to hear something from him, YAY.

    D 🙂

    1. As a British expat camped out here in the US… it’s great to hear Danny Bowes singing so strong. Spent many an evening watching Thunder live in the UK and he sounded exactly the same every night (as did the band to be honest!). One of those bands who never quite broke but always should have. Recommend the back catalogue!

      Really nice version of Still got the Blues… hope the rest of the album is as well done – but can’t replace Gary. Fabulous and underrated player. Have to dig out the original album now for a listen!

    2. Well, Mark,

      I am self admitted Sykes freak, and have been for a LONG time. I did not mean any disrespect towards Mr. Bowes, who did a fine job, I just am clearly biased. 🙂

      I have English heritage, from London and South End On Seas (Essex), so welcome, mate and cheers…

      D 🙂

  2. Being clearly biased is all part of the joy of listening to hard rock & metal. Makes for good friendly banter round a pint of beer! (just below room temp of course…) 😉

    Never had the opportunity to see John play & sing in person – but can certainly hear the appeal in the Blue Murder stuff. Perhaps I’ll gravitate more to John once I have (is that ever going to be a possibility now?!?!?!) – but it’d take a pretty kick ass show to make me shift!

    Time to play Backstreet Symphony and the 1st Blue Murder album back to back… either way, it’s a winner of an evening.

    Looking forward to the Moore Blues for Gary coming out – the man is missed – have to keep the music alive!

    1. Mark,

      I saw Blue Murder live on their, Nothing But Trouble tour, and Sykes is great live. I was so impressed with how good his voice sounded, as well. If you like Sykes, check out Richie Kozten. He is, as Eddie says, a triple threat, just like John.

      Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your evening of great music. 🙂

      All my best,
      D 🙂

  3. What a great version of this song! I thought I had heard the vocalist before, but couldn’t place him until Mark B’s comments that he was the lead vocalist of THUNDER. My ears or memory must be going, because I loved those guys! I have two of their American releases, “Backstreet Symphony” and “Laughing on Judgement Day”. Very underrated band!

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