As previously reported, Tom Keifer was forced to cancel his show last night, and was rushed to a local hospital.

Here is an update on his condition:

“after undergoing tests and [being] kept overnight. Doctors confirm that Keifer is in stable condition and believe the episode points to heat exhaustion and severe dehydration. Keifer was given fluids, is resting comfortably, and is expected to be released later today. He plans to return to his performance schedule later in the week.”

2 Responses

  1. Dehydration = “Hell On Wheels!” Refuel, recharge, recover, Gatorade! Electrolytes are amazing, saved my ass plenty of times! Rock on, Tom, and stay hydrated!

  2. Great to hear Tom’s condition is not too serious! Exhaustion and dehydration is not pleasant, but at least we’re aren’t talking a more serious problem. Take care of yourself, Tom! You aren’t getting any younger, so make sure you take care of yourself so that you can be around for long time creating great music!

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