Hope everyone had a great weekend. I’ll be live on SiriusXM tonight 6-10P ET/3-7 Pacific for TrunkNation. Join me for 4 hours of music and talk that rocks! Loaded guest show tonight. 6:15 ET Ozzy guitarist Gus G drops by. 8P drum legend Carmine Appice is in studio talking about his new book. 9P Faster Pussycat is in studio. Join me for all the mayhem tonight on SiriusXM channel 39 (Hair Nation).

Congrats to Ace Frehley on the great first week for his new album. As you may have heard by now Ace is premiering a video for Fire & Water this Wednesday (his birthday). The song and video feature Paul Stanley. It is so cool to hear Ace and Paul together again if you have the album and should be awesome to see them in the video too. Many have asked about the status of the pilot I shot with Ace. It is being edited now and then will be shopped. So a ways off before I know anything.

I appreciate everyone asking about TMS. There is no news yet on future plans. When I know I will post here.

4 Responses

  1. i think this is ace’s best solo effort to date barr none.i was hanging out with him backstage a bb kings in the city in april,it was good to see him clear headed(well as best as possible )lol,and he played one of the best shows ive seen him do in a long time, but ed i know how long the process could be for a new show idea or pilot ,but with an interview type thing as you said this was,if it takes many months to get picked up aired,do you think that the revelance of the conversation esp about the new record would be to dated to air???

  2. I love Ace- the songs white room and fire & water are the 2 best for me – ace has a very unique voice and
    it really works on some songs, not so great on others. and for me although the guitars were amazing – the lead vocals for me were not that great overall.

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