randyblythe Due to the terrorist attacks in Paris, and the bomb threats in Germany, Lamb of God has canceled the remainder of their European tour.

The band has issued the following statement:

“Due to concerns brought to our attention by the venue security team yesterday in Tilburg — and continued general concerns across Europe — we have decided against putting our fans, our crew and ourselves in this position night after night and will be canceling the remainder of our performances in Europe. This is a decision we are making on behalf of the fans, our crew, and our band, as well as the well-being of everyone’s family, friends and loved ones at home. Stay safe, and we will see you very soon.”

2 Responses

  1. All bands should stop playing countries like France,England,Germany,Belgium,etc. until they get their radical muslim situation settled. It’s not worth endangering themselves,their crew,or their fans.
    These savages have to go.

  2. Like a dog chasing his tale…..can’t blame them for being responsible for themselves and the fans. I’d heard there are many bands that are following suit.

    Down with Terrorism.

    In the words of Ringo Starr…..Peace & love….PEACE & LOVE!! \MM/

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