Hope everyone had a great labor day weekend. I spent mine trying to organize literally thousands of CDs. Music CDs and my interview archives which are on everything from open reel, to DAT, to Mini Disc, to CD! Over 30 years of radio with no organization! Total nightmare! I pretty much gave up that it’s just not going to happen in this lifetime unfortunately. Just no time to deal with it and much more than a long weekend is needed! Hope you all had a great one.
The next month or so will be extremely busy for me with travel. First up is this weekend inĀ Tulsa for Streets Gone Wild/Farm Rock. I’ve been going to OK to host rock shows now for 10 years, with Rocklahoma being my anchor since 2007. Excited to be headed back this weekend for this first time event to a city that has been so supportive of what I do. If attending I’ll have books and merch for sale and will do my best to get out and sign and see everyone. Should be a fun weekend in downtown Tulsa.
And Hair Nation Fest is 9/17! Psyched to be hosting this event in S CA at Irvine Meadows. All appearances on the home page as they are confirmed.
I have a MAJOR new radio project TBA very soon.. More new projects in the works as well. Info when I can share. Should be an exciting 4th quarter of 2016!
Back live on SiriusXM this Monday 9/12. Alter Bridge will be in studio.