Great chat with Glenn Hughes today on Trunk Nation. Hear it again tonight 9P ET on Volume 106 on SiriusXM. Also hosted a Town Hall with Klaus and Matthias of Scorpions yesterday. That replays this Saturday and Sunday at 9P ET on Volume. All shows also now On Demand as well on the app.

Headed for another cross country trip this weekend. I’ll be in the air more time than on the ground likely! Tomorrow night I fly to San Diego to host episode 2 of my new TBA TV show at Kaboo Festival. Then fly from San Diego to VT overnight, land in VT Saturday AM, drive to Irasburg VT, and host Shrinedom Saturday night. Going to be on fumes but look forward to it!

New podcast tomorrow with Deep Purple. Free Itunes or www.PodcastOne.com

Yesterday I shot some new promo material for That Metal Show and a new demo to shop the show. It was great to do and made me miss TMS even more being with some of the old crew. Shooting this does not mean we are close to a new home, but it also means we are not done looking! So fingers crossed we find a network who believes in and wants TMS! More when I know.

Ace Frehley at BBs in NYC Saturday. I will be traveling so can’t be there, but enjoy.

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