Just back from a great weekend in Boston. Started out Friday hosting the Winery Dogs show at The Wilbur. Was great to see the guys one last time since now their tour is complete. The plan is for them to start writing album number 2 toward the end of the year and begin again in 2015. They already did one new song live called “Oblivion”. Between then Kotzen will release and tour for a solo anthology and album, Portnoy will do some Flying Colors dates, and Billy will do an album and brief tour with Mr Big.  Also spent some time Friday at my Boston affiliate WAAF where my show is heard Friday nights at 11P. Great to be back on that station!

Saturday I performed at The Wilbur with Don and Jim and had a blast. Thanks to all who came out and special thanks to Gary Cherone of Extreme who joined us on stage for a few. Great time!

Next up for me; Montana! I’ll be headed there for the first time this Thursday to host a festival called Rockin The Rivers (and celebrate my 50th birthday on Friday!).

ALL NEW podcast with Brian May goes up this Thursday! Ran some teaser audio in my FM show this past weekend. Thanks to all for the kind words about the podcast! Subscribe now for free on Itunes or listen on www.podcastone.com

Live tonight 6-10P ET on SiriusXM channel 39 TRUNKNation.

23 Responses

  1. I just read that Ian Gillan said he would not play with Blackmore if Purple did get in the HOF. He said it would be disrespectful to Steve Morse and the current band. Sound familiar ? Cant wait to see all the comments about how this is ok for DP but was wrong for KISS.

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