Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!

I’ll be at the Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood FL until Monday. Hosting Slash there Friday (headline show) and Deep Purple there Sunday. Always a fun time at this venue. I’ll be in the casino just outside the Hard Rock Cafe after both shows selling and signing my books and hanging out. Come by if you are in the area. No charge of any kind for the after show. Slash on at 8, Purple at 7, no opener either show.

My FM syndicated radio show this weekend is a double shot special with two songs at least in a row from all your favorite artists. Kicks off this Friday 11P on Q104.3 NYC and WAAF/Boston and on all affiliates usual day and time (listed on this site under Live & On The Air). Remember you can catch all the streams as well.

No TrunkNation Lobor Day Monday. SiriusXM is running a Motley Crue radio special. Back live a week from Monday 6P ET.

ALL NEW Eddie Trunk Podcast available now! It’s a TMS special with Don & Jim sitting in with me. We give you our top albums of 2014 so far. Listen at www.podcastone.com orĀ  be sure to download and subscribe with Itunes. As always it is free and available worldwide!

Follow on Twitter forn up to the second news and updates @EddieTrunk

Have a good one!

17 Responses

  1. Great podcast. You guys listed albums in your top 5 lists that would be in mine. But I don’t see how you guys make those lists like you’ve done all these years. On the news story about Rob Halford picking the top 10 albums that changed his life, me and several other people posted our lists and for me it was brutal to just pick 10. After I posted, a ton of albums popped in my head that I had forgotten about.

    You mentioned you’d be in Houston, do you have any plans to visit any other Texas cities in the near future?

  2. Saw the Kiss/Def Lep show as well this summer in Saratoga, NY. Def Lep was good but the downside is that to compensate for the fact that Joe Elliot can’t hit the high notes anymore the band tunes down to the point where they almost sound like a doom band. But they had a very clever intro using The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”.

    KISS was predictable being this is the 3rd time I have seen them since Ace and Peter departed. The show was good and they sounded as well as they can after 40 years. But I find Paul’s voice tires quickly in the show now. Tommy is competent guitar player but cannot recreate the “Ace” sound. Gene seemed like he had better places to be. I think the full time KISS authorized tribute band is not far off.

    Saw the Crue Final Tour show as well in Saratoga, NY. Mostly good but a few observations. Opener Alice Cooper…sounded damn good for 66! His backing band was tight and he still is a master showman with his props and effects. Had the crowd on their feet rocking “Schools Out” to close the set. You might think his routine would be stale after all these years but it was quite entertaining!

    Crue put on a great show. 2 full hours of songs. Some gems from Too Fast pulled out. Great stage show one of the best I’ve ever seen. Done with that full on bad ass Crue attitude! Surprise ending number and how done! But….Vince…voice goes in and out and seems to forget lyrics and where he is in the song a few times. Then a weird observation. Tommy was kept in the dark throughout the show until the very end. No spot light on him no stage camera. Lights coming from behind so all you saw was a shadow…Not sure what to make of that…..He has always been a “frontman” type drummer.

    But despite that it was a damn fun time. Felt like 1989 all over again for a night. And if you are a serious Crue fan you don’t want to miss! Mick Mars is still shredding it fierce but you can see his back condition is progressively getting worse and will eventually keep him from ever touring again.

    1. The Tommy Lee thing…he’s not really there, it’s a replacement drummer. Not the first time this has happened…

    2. youre out of your mind. The deal is, Tommy’s rollar coaster drumset won’t fit in all the venues. In st. Louis we got Tommy on his kit in the back, simply lit. But a couple weeks later he did the whole coaster thing, talking, singing, yelling etc

    3. Lol, you are off your rocker if you think bands haven’t trotted somebody else out there to take an original members place. I know for a fact Skynard has done it. There is too much money to lose to cancel shows, especially on this “final tour” Crue thing. Look, there is always somebody on the road who can take the place of one of the band members…especially a drummer. Don’t kid yourself…it may have been just for the one night, but it DOES happen. And a lot of times it goes unannounced and unexplained.

  3. Took your tip on Kyng and California Breed in particular. LOVE CB, Kyng is cool, if a tad derivative. New Priest is good, but not as crushing as I hoped. Next up is Accept, which I am looking forward to.

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