Seems several times each day I get a tweet, email or question asking about new episodes of That Metal Show. I am grateful to all of you for asking and caring about the future of the show. The simple truth is that the network (VH1 Classic) who owns the show and makes all the decisions has decided at this time not to do more episodes until this January, to air starting in Feb 2015. You all must understand this is as frustrating for me as it is for you! TMS is on VH1 CLASSIC, not VH1, in the US. They produce the show and their operating budgets and investment in that channel are very limited (as you all know it is still not available in HD in 2014!). The good news is the show is continuing and they repeat the show constantly, which creates new viewers daily just discovering it. The bad news is there are TONS of releases, events and interview opportunities we are missing without the show being produced. I am always looking for new and additional ways to deliver this content, which is one of the reasons I recently launched a podcast. This, in addition to my two weekly radio shows and this site are the best outlets I have to focus on until we start up again. I would LOVE to be doing a TV show daily or weekly, but it just is not within the ability of the network to produce that at the moment. We may do a special between now and the end of the year but that decision is also VH1’s. They decide when, where, and if we do the show and have final approval on guests as well. It has always been that way. Even though TMS was very much my baby, they own and control it. When I know more I will of course let you know. We will be back, but they have decided to take a hiatus before starting again. I am always looking for and exploring new additional opportunities to do what I do and will keep you posted as things develop. In the meantime please check out the radio shows and podcast. Hopefully I will have some new outlets to announce soon as well. Thanks for all the amazing support for TMS. It will be back! And I’m told maybe with some new things you have all been asking for, but it will be a while longer before we relaunch. I always like to be as open and honest about what’s going on so that’s the deal. Obviously not my vision for momentum for the show but January will be here before you know it. Thanks to all of you and if you have DVR set it to record all episodes. In about 4 weeks I now have 75 on mine! Great chance to see shows you may have missed the first airing. Thanks for caring and supporting this show that means so much to so many around the world. Can’t wait to get it going again in January! Of course things can change and if we do a special or anything sooner I will of course let you all know. But that is the plan now.

98 Responses

  1. I know everybody is upset that there are no new that metal shows til jan 2015 but that’s out of his hands. It’s like with any network they tell you what night your show is going to air what time and how many episodes. Do you think modern family over on abc can just air when every they like ohh were gonna air 30 episodes of modern family on this night instead of wesday cause we say so. No they can’t they gotta listen to the ABC. Cause where would TMS go if it wasn’t on vh1 classic what other network cable or not would give this show any chance at all. And I must say for the budget that vh1 classic is on they do a fine job with TMS the set is amazing for a small channel like that. Plus to boot you win a prize just for stumping eddie trunk what talk show does that on a regular basis. Name one other music talk show that strictly has only music guests on a regular basis there isn’t any other shows only TMS. It just seems people attack eddie for having to wait a long time for new TMS episodes when it’s out of hands he’s been honest with all of us about TMS. Why would eddie lie about that he wouldn’t.

    Well as allways keep up the good work eddie with your website and TMS and radio show Thers allways gonna be a few sour grapes in the bunch don’t let them get you down.

  2. Wanting more new TMS is a good thing. The problem is there are not enough people like us who live hard rock and metal. Blame it on our TMZ warped society. What Kim says getting out of her car or What idiot Justin Bieber or Kanye are doing. The truth is Eddie should and can one day own and produce his own show that is everything us metal fans get from TMS where Ed calls the shots. The problem with this is TV exposure, there is nothing that compares to being on TV and at the current climate nobody believes that a metal based show will appeal to enough people thus the bottom line money is not there. Eddie is smart to ride out TMS as long as VH1 will produce it. He has history with the show, it has made it possible for him to be successful in his other endeavors.
    I hope one day the climate changes back to focus on people who make music with hard work, practice and talent and less on people with no talent making beats on a computer. I also hope after TMS runs it’s course that someone in TV will let Eddie own and produce a show for all of us die hard Rock & metal fans until then start the movement by turning people on to great music and boycotting this TMZ bullshit mentality.

  3. Eddie, I thank the metal Gods for TMS. Of course wish there was more, my wife and I just watched the Randy and Chris from Lamb of God episode again because I was explaining the battle they went through and tragedy of what happened in Europe. She was surprised and impressed saying, as you did, it was a true testament to his character for Randy thinking of this family and their loss, going back to sort everything out. That is what TMS does. It invites the rest of us in to get a touch of info so we KNOW to dig deeper. So much information is out there, making it almost harder to find out new info. Whether its new bands, new albums, or import news, in all areas of your work, you three are filling a void helping metal heads everywhere. Thank you Eddie and TMS. Our house will see every show as long as they let you make them. Young or old, metal head till I’m dead and cold.

  4. I have been collecting all of TMS and have all the shows recorded to dvds. I did find a bad dvd and need two shows from SEASON 2. The Anvil one and the Scott Gorham one. For some reason these never air on the reruns as I have been watching for awhile now.

    Anyone want to trade shows? Who needs episodes? EDDIE?

    Hit me up at [email protected]

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