Back home in NJ and headed to NYC shortly for a live SiriusXM show tonight 6-10P ET on channek 39 TRUNKNation. Tom Keifer will be dropping by during the first hour. He plays NYC at BBs tomorrow night. Music and Talk That Rocks LIVE tonight nationwide. Lot’s to play and say. Hope you join me.

Response to my podcasts has been phenomenal from around the world. Thank you! 3 up now and new one posts this Thursday. It’s an exclusive with King Diamond! Really interesting discussion about music, religion and more. If you haven’t grabbed the podcast yet you can listen and subscribe via iTunes and also listen at www.PodcastOne.com Coming soon another exclusive with Brian May! Portions of some of these interviews may also air in either radio show however the podcasts will be full length unedited interviews and most of the time 100% exclusive to that platform. I am also considering at times running some old interviews from my archives in the podcast. There will also be weeks where they may be no guests. Still trying things and will continue to evolve as we go, but the support has been awesome so thanks!

The Winery Dogs in LI tonight at Revolution. I’ll be hosting a show with them in Boston this Friday at The Wilbur for my AAF listeners. Remember I’m back on AAF Friday nights at 11P. Then me, Don & Jim do The Wilbur with our live show this Saturday. Tix on sale now. More soon.

6 Responses

  1. Podcastone.com is pretty cool! At first I wasn’t sure about trying something new, but after seeing how free & easy it was, now I’m in! Hey Eddie, maybe somehow the Judas Priest Podcast can be remastered? LOL! 😉

    1. I just read an article on the incident……why get upset? Mike chose to leave because he wanted a hiatus and Dream Theater didn’t…..they moved on without him, he needs to get over it. He seems to be keeping himself busy, so again what’s the problem?

  2. Any chance of me getting either of your books signed @ The Winery Dogs show @The Wilbur?
    Going to the show I know it’s going to be great, that would make it even better. I own both books they are both great.

  3. My fellow Texan King Diamond (even if he’s not an original Texan) is cool. I thought he was great on TMS. I’m looking forward to the podcast interview because there’s more time for a longer, more in depth discussion with King Diamond.
    Keep up the great work Eddie!

  4. Eddie, I know I’m late to this, but your comments about Overkill (on your last podcast) being one of the most under-rated thrash bands and how painful it is as a fan to see them not see huge success is SPOT ON. The last three albums, especially, have been OUSTANDING. Electric Age, Green & Black and White Devil Armory are incredible. The riffs, the tone, the solos… holy shit.

    I can’t explain it, either. I really can’t.

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