Back from Denver, great trip! Thanks to all who came to see me Friday at Buffalo Rose in Golden and all the bands that played. Sold out of books but remember signed copies can be purchased direct from me by just hitting the “Books” tab on this site. Rush Saturday night was INCREDIBLE. I hung with Geddy and Alex and also interviewed Alex. I’m pressed for time at the moment but will post a full review here soon and will also discuss it on the air on my radio show tonight. If you check my Twitter feed I posted so many photos from the show as well. Much more to come here when I have time, tomorrow the latest. HUGE thanks to the Rush camp and the guy for the hospitality!

Live SiriusXM show tonight 6-10P ET on channel 39. Guests include Randy Blythe, Cormac Neeson of The Answer and Jeff LaBar.

3 Responses

  1. Saw Ace again on Saturday night, and he tore it up again. His band really is killer! I actually agree with Ace when he says that his band plays the Kiss classics better than Kiss does! Pearcy opened and really sounded great…the best I’ve heard him in years!

  2. I tried to listen to the Jeff Labar/Ronnie Borchert Interview tonight … @ 6 central time. I was given the same link over and it took me to a page that had advertisements of other shows but not this show… i missed it and never did find it.. I’m frustrated.. i want a more direct link for fan support in the future. Very upset. =(

  3. Looking forward to your review of the Rush concert Eddie. I saw them in Boston a few weeks ago, as always the show was excellent. The more I think about it, the 2nd half may be the best set of live Rush I have ever witnessed. The set list, the band’s performance, the “regressing” on-stage items (Neil’s throwback drum kit!!!), the lighting (is it just me, or does Rush always seem to have the best light show in the business?), all of it was great. I was too young to see them in the early (and early-mid era) days. My first Rush show was on the “Presto” tour, and I haven’t missed any since. I can honestly say every time has been great, a couple shows had some technical difficulties but the band was on form every time. After 40 years, when we’re often talking about aging bands not “having it” anymore, or hanging around too long, or being shells of their former selves, or playing too short a gig – none of that applies to Rush. Yes, they are my favorite band, and I will allow some concessions to age (for anyone), but I don’t give any band a free pass – they still have to deliver to the people buying tickets (and not cheap either). I hope this isn’t the last we hear or see from them, but if it is, there’s not much more I could really ask for.

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