Huge thanks to Kelly Keagy, Jack Blades and Brad Gillis for coming by my radio show last night. Night Ranger have always been a killer dual guitar rock band. Been seeing them live almost since day one. Real good people as well if you ever have the chance to meet them. In addition to the interview that aired live last night on SiriusXM with the guys I also recorded an in depth interview with them for my upcoming new podcast. In the hour conversation the band talks about their early days and Brad goes in depth about his time with Ozzy and how he got the gig. The Eddie Trunk Podcast debuts 7/10 with new episodes posting every Thursday via Podcast One. The debut podcast will be an all new conversation with Judas Priest. I’ll be recording it next Monday in NYC. If you have a question you’d like me to ask them email me through this site and I’ll try to include it when I tape. The link to register for the podcast and further details coming soon. It will be free and available worldwide and also on Itunes. The Night Ranger interview will likely be week two. Much more to come.

Also thanks to Blitz from Overkill for dropping in last night. He is always hysterical and I have a ton of history and stories with Overkill who I pretty much grew up with in NJ. No doubt will do a podcast with them soon as well. New Overkill out 7/22, new Night Ranger out now. Was cool to represent both sides of the music world I love in one show last night. If you missed the interviews they are On Demand on the SiriusXM app. Just search my name or Trunk Nation. NR plays BB Kings tomorrow night. Congrats to my winners who entered in the new ET Box Office on this site and won tickets. Hope to see you there if I can get into NYC and break away.

Next appearance/signing: Retroactive, Broadway at The Beach, Myrtle Beach SC 5-7P. Both books for sale at the signing.

14 Responses

  1. So Eddie, when I joked about you dropping names a couple of days ago it was all in fun and satire…just kind of a reaction to your article about the media which I agreed with 100%. You don’t drop names out of context at all, so don’t let the bastards get you down. You have to know that all of us out here really do appreciate what you do for keeping the torch burning for hard rock and heavy metal. Nobody else can do it like you do, so please know that it is much appreciated.

    It’s only July and I’m already looking forward to the fall when football and TMS will be back. Be safe in your travels and keep up the good work. Come to San Francisco and watch a game in the new 49ers stadium!

  2. I would like you to ask them what they think about the Point of Entry album. It gets overlooked so often just because it’s sandwiched between British Steel and Screaming for Vengeance and it’s more of a hard rock album compared to BS and Screaming. But it’s a great album!

    I would also like you to ask them how they feel about not being considered for induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, whether they care or not, but I don’t want you to have a stroke caused from the anger that subject causes you.

    1. James,

      I noticed that on the older tours they would play Heading Out to The Highway and Desert Plains. They have such a vast catalog, I guess it’s difficult to decide what songs to perform and which to omit.

      Dana from ET.com 🙂

    2. Yeah, those two songs have usually been the go to songs for that album. There’s no way they can play everything to please everyone, not with all the incredible history of songs they have. I just singled out Point of Entry as an album just because it may get overlooked sometimes and may be a little underrated simply because the albums it sits between are landmark, genre defining albums. But it’s one of their best albums ever. They take chances and I’ve always respected that. I mean, another example is how they followed a raging beast of an album like Defenders of the Faith with Turbo. Okay, they may have taken it a tad bit to far with that one but I still respect them for not being afraid to try something different.

    3. Yes James,

      That is an excellent point, no pun intended, about the album released between two iconic records. I am sure you are right as to why it gets lost in the shuffle under those circumstances.

      Since Heading Out to the Highway and Desert Plains was mentioned, while I know it may not be a popular choice, I think Turning Circles is another great song off of Point of Entry.

      D 🙂

    4. Dana,

      Turning Circles is a great song! So is Solar Angels, All The Way, On The Run, Troubleshooter…There’s really not a bad song on the album.

  3. Thanks Eddie, I am looking forward to the podcast interview with Brad Gillis. I thought he was great when he played live with Ozzy. His style added a little pep to the Black Sabbath songs.

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