Greetings from Maryland and the start of day 2 of the M3 Festival. Caught Kix and WASP last night here and both bands sounded strong. Full house and the weather is great. Music is about to start for the day and night here shortly so look forward to a long rockin day with many bands and friends. The TMS and radio support here is just amazing so thank you all!


Driving home to NJ tomorrow. Look forward to it after a couple weeks on the road. Live on SiriusXM channel 39 for Trunk Nation 6-10P ET Monday. MUCH to cover and catch up on from TMS, Golden Gods, M3 and more. Just an FYI M3 this year is not on TV, as many have asked about. Also on the radio show Monday Stephen Pearcy will be in studio with me aprox 6:30P ET.


Rocklahoma just around the corner and next up for me on the festival circuit. See you soon in OK!

11 Responses

  1. Hey Eddie, love the show. I notice you guys tend to talk about Poison a lot, but not too much mention of Bret Michaels or his solo career. Have you ever met him or interviewed him and what do you think of his solo stuff?

    1. Talk about Poison a lot? On what show?? I just hung with Bret 2 days ago. Has been on my radio shows many times. Just tweeted a photo with him from 2 days ago. Please look at Twitter feed. Thanks

  2. Eddie or anyone else out there…..a question for you. I watched the Golden Gods and was not familiar with a lot of the bands up for awards but was particularly wondering what was up with the reception the Black Veil Brides got for winning best song or album or somethinganother? Booed? Flipped off? Being not too familiar with the current metal scene, what exactly is the beef with these guys? Only band or musicians I saw get that kind of treatment….I would call in and ask you this on your Sirius show tonight but I know I’ll never get through.

    1. You’re old.Check out BVB awesome band. Motley Crue Influenced Big time.

  3. Thanks, Steve, for reminding me I’m old, but not really answering the main question of why this band received the reception it did at the Golden Gods award show…….jackass. Anyone with a more informative answer, like maybe Eddie, feel free to chime in.

  4. Alot of die hard metalheads look at BVB as nothing more than a fabricated metal version of a boy band, a Hot Topic mall band for 14 year old girls. All style, no substance.

  5. Thank you, Rich, for the explanation. I sampled some of their stuff, and what I heard is an insult to Motley Crue if Steve thinks those two can be compared.

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