Greetings from Maryland and the start of day 2 of the M3 Festival. Caught Kix and WASP last night here and both bands sounded strong. Full house and the weather is great. Music is about to start for the day and night here shortly so look forward to a long rockin day with many bands and friends. The TMS and radio support here is just amazing so thank you all!


Driving home to NJ tomorrow. Look forward to it after a couple weeks on the road. Live on SiriusXM channel 39 for Trunk Nation 6-10P ET Monday. MUCH to cover and catch up on from TMS, Golden Gods, M3 and more. Just an FYI M3 this year is not on TV, as many have asked about. Also on the radio show Monday Stephen Pearcy will be in studio with me aprox 6:30P ET.


Rocklahoma just around the corner and next up for me on the festival circuit. See you soon in OK!

11 Responses

  1. Hey Eddie, Met you @ Clyde’s during M3. Was a great weekend, you were very kind, Hope to see you there next year. Mike In Hadensville, Va.

  2. Eddie, met ya backstage & M3 right before Twisted Sister took the stage, asked if my kid (huge fan of TMS) could get a pic with ya, and you made his day! Thanks brother! Keep on Rockin’!

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