Had many requests from people to join Instagram so I have opened an account there for those interested at eddietrunkofficial. Because we all need more social media in our lives right? haha. But people seem to be into it so I’ll give it a shot and probably learn truly how to use is right about when it becomes old news! But I am up and running there and will share stuff on it as well as my Twitter @EddieTrunk and of course here and FB page as well. Now I know why some people actually have staff to manage all this stuff. But to me that defeats the purpose so will do my best to manage it personally as always. Also have another new platform I will be announcing very soon that many have requested I get into. Stand by for that soon..

Welcome another new station to the “Eddie Trunk Rocks” network! WBXE 93.7 FM in Nashville/Cookeville TN starts broadcasting my 3 hour weekly show THIS Saturday and ever Saturday 6-9PM. Always great to welcome new believers to the roster of stations that carry my syndicated FM show each week. Appreciate the belief and support from all even after 31 years doing it. Full listings of all the outlets for this show on the site under “Live & On The Air”. More TBA soon! And if there is an FM station in your area you want to air my show TELL THEM! All they have to do is want to carry it and say yes. Thanks.

Can’t wait to get to Tulsa one week from today and ramp up for another year hosting Rocklahoma! Been doing this since it started in 2007 and always so much fun and great support from the good people that attend. See you all very soon with many great bands also.

I don’t have a schedule for when and where TMS will start up again. Likely not until the Fall. As soon as there is news I will let you know. All appearances I am doing solo or with Don & Jim for our live show that are confirmed are listed on the home page of this site.

16 Responses

  1. Eddie, you can use Instagram for all your pictures you take. Use Twitter to update us by the minute and use Facebook if you need more than 140 characters to say something. This way you can manage each social media sites better. If you let your fans know this then we will all know what to expect. But of course you can do all that on one site if you wanted too. Hope this helps!

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