Greetings from Las Vegas. Here for the GnR debut tonight. Had a great dinner with Slash last night and a bunch of mutual friends at the Bootlegger. Thanks to Ron Mancuso for the hospitality. It was great catching up with Slash on the eve of all the Guns mania. We talked about a bunch of stuff, most of which is off the record. But he’s psyched to start this next chapter in GnR history for sure. It certainly won’t be dull! Also ran into Duff and we talked for a bit. Not trying to be cryptic or tease but these guys are friends and when there is news they want to share publicly they will and it will come from them. I can’t and won’t ever say anything that isn’t for public consumption otherwise every relationship I have will be burned. But it was really good catching up and I’m happy for all the guys that this finally kicks off tonight. You will learn something interesting about this weekends shows any minute actually…

Also great seeing Myles Kennedy, Brent Fitz, Todd Kerns and Frank Sidoris of The Conspirators last night. They all have some cool new things in the works while Slash is back with Guns.

If going to GnR this weekend in Vegas doors are at 8, Alice In Chains on around 9, GnR scheduled for around 11. So it will be a late one likely! I am going tonight for sure. I’ll Periscope some for sure if I get signal. Not sure about tomorrow as there are several other shows in town I may also hit. Remember my meet & greet is tomorrow (Saturday) in the Franklin bar in the lobby of Delano hotel (which is part of Mandalay Bay). I’ll be there 4-6P selling and signing my books, having some drinks, playing rock and saying hi. It is free to get in. Hope to see everyone tomorrow here in Vegas!

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