Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Response to this weeks TMS with Jericho, Corgan and Cavalera has been awesome. So much fun! Great guests make for great shows like that. It was a pleasure to beat down Jericho AGAIN, haha! We tape this weekends episode tomorrow with Lzzy Hale, Kerry King and Zakk Wylde! See it this Saturday 9P ET VH1 Classic. Photos and info from the set tomorrow as it happens on my twitter @EddieTrunk

Live on SiriusXM 39 tonight 6-10P ET. Snake and Rachel will call in live with some Skid Row news at 7P ET and Bobby Blotzer from Ratt calls at 8P ET. Should be an action packed TRUNKNation tonight LIVE!

Hope all my hometown friends come out this Friday to Crossroads in Garwood NJ. I’ll be hosting a night of music and doing some live Stump The Trunk and more. Randy Jackson of Zebra plays and also killer covers from Edgar Cayce.

33 Responses

    1. I agree. Halestorm are a great band and one of the few newer bands I legitimately enjoy.

    1. I didn’t know The Guess Who were Canadian, so we may have a tie. But certainly not Rush, who were my first concert, the Moving Pictures tour, and they were about as exciting as watching a cooking show. They overplay, except for the guitar player, and that just seems backwards. Certainly not Triumph, who didn’t get even halfway decent until around 1982 or 3, their first few albums are laughable. Loverboy made great records right out of the gate, and they are good all the way through, unlike Foreigner, who, with the possible exception of the Mutt Langed 4, tended to clog theirs with filler.

    2. Rush, Moving Pictures tour was also my first concert!
      Saw Loverboy in 1983 and a couple years ago at Loopfest. A very good rock band with a bunch of catchy hits. They do bring out the “chicks” to the venue.

    3. Shannon, Listen to “Just A Game”, and “Allied Forces”, and then get back to me on Triumph.

    4. Lol…you sure Doug R? I mean, I will, and then you are just going to quit talking to me again.

    5. LOL! Shannon, Yes, sometimes you drive me to drink, But I’ve just been crazy busy as of late, that’s all. Loverboy over Triumph? Not knocking Loverboy, “Turn me Loose” is one of my favorite songs of all time, but sorry man, Like I said, just listen to “Just A Game” from ’79, and “Allied Forces” from ’81, and you’ll see what I mean! See ya. 😉

    6. You want to hear something crazy? Check out how strong Mike Reno’s voice still is in 2014, it’s on youtube. I listen to their show, I don’t hear one bad song.

    7. Shannon Mehaffey, are you working for the weekend or going off the deep end? You are smoking crack if you think Loverboy ( I gag at the thought) is the best Canadian rock band.

    8. Have you ever actually listened to their records? They are extremely well put together, hooks off the beaten path, and, get this, they are pretty darn fun. (For God sake man, change your stupid, disgusting name).

    9. Nothing. Between your name and Gene’s Raccoon Wig, call me immature, but I chuckle every time.

      D 🙂

    10. You know somethin’ I just remembered, back in ’05 I was living in Knoxville TN, and one weekend night I was with a friend at a karaoke bar, and I cleared the whole room with my death metal vocal, cookie monster on steroids version of “Working for the Weekend.” People were ducking and running out of the room. Lol…

    11. Didn’t forget him.
      Neil with Crazy Horse would surely make the list.
      But, I associate him more with his other groups, and his solo stuff is good though not so much Canadian rock band.

    12. Loverboy were indeed a great band. My Top 3 Canadian bands, however, are April Wine, Triumph, and The Headpins . For those of you unfamiliar with the Headpins, you should check them out so great catchy stuff there. Eddie, are you familiar with them?

    1. Way to go Elliot, Taking Care Of Business! Another great Canadian artist, Bryan Adams. Of course he isn’t hard rock or metal, but he made a lot of great music, especially in the 80’s. 🙂

  1. Of all the seasons TMS has been on, one thing I’ve hoped for the most since they started having guest musicians play is that they’d get Zakk up on the platform to play for an episode. He’s always entertaining when he’s down on the set to chat with Eddie and the boys, but the dude is one of the greatest, most identifiable and influential guitarist on earth and one of my favorite shredders ever. He didn’t invent pinch harmonics but he might as well have because it’s damn near impossible to hear someone lay into a screeching pinched harmonic without thinking of Zakk.

    1. I agree its freaking awesome Zakks going to get up there and jam. One of the best guitarists on the planet and funny as all hell.

    2. Agreed Ray,

      Zakk is hysterical. I love when he says “Toodles” every time he is leaving one of Eddie’s radio shows-LOL!!

      D 🙂

    3. If you get bored and want to see something to laugh at, go to YouTube and type in “Zakk Wylde funny” or “Zakk Wylde funny moments” and some of the videos that pop up are hilarious. From one where Zakk shows off his Barbie doll collection (he can’t be serious) to him stealing a bicycle (it’s fake but funny) to him punching out someone for playing “Stairway To Heaven” incorrectly (also fake but funny). And there’s a previously banned 8 min press conference with Ozzy, Zakk, Randy Castillo, and Geezer Butler that Ozzy is absolutely smashed out of his mind drunk and/or stoned throughout. That one alone is priceless and I’m sure Sharon won’t let it stay on YouTube for long.

    4. James,

      I will definitely check them out. Also, after I watch them, I will e-mail you and let you know what I thought.

      D 🙂

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