Back from S FL. Thanks to all the bands and fans I hung with at Rockfest 80’s. The event itself was well run and had a massive production. Most of the bands were really solid. However it was not as nearly well attended as it should have been. Hopefully it’s something that can build in that area. It was cool to be a part of for sure.

I’m under the gun today as it’s my only day home over the course of 3 weeks. So lot of catching up to do. Here’s the rundown of this week:

Tomorrow I fly to Vegas. Spending a few days there and hitting GnR this weekend. If you are going to Vegas I will be doing a meet & greet this Saturday from 4-6PM in the Delano hotel. The Delano is connected to Mandalay Bay. In the lobby of Delano there is a bar called Franklin. That’s where the hang will be before the second Guns show. It is totally free to come to. I will have both of my books for sale if interested. It’s just a chance to hang with some fans and have a drink before heading to the arena. Rock music will be played and it will be a good warm up for the show. Hope to see you this weekend in Vegas and Saturday at Franklin in the Delano 4-6 for a pre show drink!

New podcast this Thursday will feature recent interviews with John 5 and Rob Halford. Free as usual www.podcastone.com and Itunes. Please note PodcastOne is now charging to access my podcast beyond 8 weeks old in the archives. So be sure to download the new ones each week as they post free and listen when you want.

More TBA soon.

6 Responses

    1. “Ed Zeppelin” and Michael Jordan crying memes have both worn themselves out.

    2. Lighten up “Medved,” just having some fun with the Trunkster. Besides, the only thing worn out around here is YOU!!

  1. I was at the Rockfest both days…Ace and his band were unfreaking believable…I mean I was blown away…all I could think was the place should’ve been more crowded, but a few things Eddie…there was almost no promotion except the last few weeks before and when it is a radio station putting those shows on, it is not the same as let’s say a Live Nation event. They shouldn’t of had Ace and Paul Rodgers the same night…Ace close one night and Paul Rodgers the next, plus it wasn’t cheap to go. So I think they charge a little less, get a little better lineup, and actually promote it and it would do well…people want that music, and the folks like me that were there got some great shows…Beside Ace and Paul Rodgers, Tom Kiefer kicked major ass, Geofff Tate was great, and Sebastian Bach was great too, but the rest were non-description and forgettable. For $100 per day, isn’t that the same price as the big a big fest like Download? Their lineups are much better than what was given over 2 days…Quiet Riot and Ratt are only drummers with the rest dudes that are too young to know who Ratt even is…I’m telling you, drop the price and make the money in volume,mouth a few hig acts like Aerosmith, Kiss, or Mettalicca would draw huge, but that can’t be a radio show…ill bring the money and you bring the expertise and connections Eddie…lets do a South Florida Rockfest again…hahaha. And I’m not suggesting you had any thing to do with the promotion…I’m saying the local radio show didn’t do a great job of promoting it…

    1. You had me until the Geoff Tate reference. Geoff Tate and “great” should never be used in the same sentence. Geoff Tate is about as far away from “great” as you can get.

      Bon Scott was great
      Rob Halford is great
      Jimi Hendrix was great
      Janis Joplin was great

    2. Hahaha…I know,mi can’t believe I’m saying it myself, but his voice and band were let’s say good?? Hahahaha

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