Had a chance to read Paul Stanley’s book on my many flights lately. I was looking forward to seeing how much Paul would open up in a book like this. In my limited dealings with him over the decades I have found him to be fairly private and very sensitive to anything not in line with the current plan, so his approach to an auto biography would no doubt be interesting. Contrary to what many think, and despite whatever feelings he has about me, Paul was actually always my favorite member of the band. For a long time he was one of my favorite singers and his songs were always what I liked best in Kiss. I agree with his own feelings throughout the book that he has always been the prime driving force in the band. In much of the press he has done leading up to this book he has painted doing this for some greater more legitimate reason than most other rock books. I don’t see any great difference with this than any of the other MANY rock books out there. It is very well written, entertaining, inspiring, and told from his perspective and how he saw it, like ALL of these books are. But I don’t see a great distinction over many other good ones that are out there as Paul has said is the case with his. The one down side is that his is the last of the Kiss members books. The good; that he answers some of the others books, the bad is that many of these stories we have heard already. Especially if you consider we just had the very in depth Nothin’ To Lose as far as Kiss books for history which he was a writer on. But still for any Kiss fan this is a more than worthwhile read. But like ANY book it is his spin and take on the story as he wants to tell it. That is the case with all the books, it’s up to the reader to find the balance from four peoples perspectives when it comes to Kiss. Not surprisingly Paul’s book paints him as the guiding force in the band throughout and rarely does he ever take responsibility for anything that was bad for Kiss. For example he describes the demise of Kiss in the late 70’s to be more about the costumes and stage show than writing a disco song. I can tell you even though it was a hit, I Was Made For Loving You was DEATH to the Kiss fan base at the time and some still haven’t recovered from it. The shots at Ace and even more so Peter are expected, but more surprising are the shots at Gene and how bad their relationship was at some stages. Almost every bad decision was because of someone else it seems at times. Some other interesting things:

*No acknowledgment of what a big song “Shock Me” was for Ace and the Love Gun LP, or the success of Ace’s solo album over the others with “NY Groove”.

*Not much made of the impact “Beth” had crossing the band to an entire new audience. A huge moment in the bands history to get on the radio.

*Glosses over some of the later 80’s albums. Almost no mention of Crazy Nights and recording with noted producer Ron Nevison. Would have loved more back story on the making of the 80’s and 90’s albums.

*Talks about the many bad songs Gene mailed in during the 80’s but outside of the two on Smashes Thrashes (which were bad and he does say so!) never mentions his role in some duds as well. Bang Bang You? Read My Body? Although his material was mostly better he had some clunkers for sure along the way.

*Good to see how he admits not handling the passing of Eric Carr within the band the right way. How the band didn’t stop while Eric attempted to recover is hard to believe. It did bother Eric Carr greatly that while he was fighting cancer his band was already recording with Eric Singer, who he predicted would replace him. Def Leppard stood by their drummer when he lost an arm, Kiss could have waited to see how Carr would do. He does take this on and take responsibility and it was good to see finally.

*Didn’t acknowledge that fans at the MTV unplugged in ’95 actually booed when current band was re introduced and chanted for a reunion at the end of the taping. I was in the audience. It was an avalanche that resulted in the reunion in ’96.

*Psycho Circus very glossed over. Who plays on it? Why were they not able to make a deal with Peter and Ace? Also no mention of performing with the symphony in Australia. Not my favorite thing in KISStory by any stretch but should have had a mention.

All that said I truly enjoyed the book and would suggest it to any Kiss fan. But like ALL Kiss books it is HIS version of how he saw things. I’m not about to go tit for tat with all four books and who’s told the story best and most accurate. They ALL are coming from that persons point of view and get that persons story out as they saw it. And something tells me there will be no shortage of more Kiss related books to come…


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144 Responses

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  • Jake on

    Actually I have to disagree with Eddie about the loss of popularity for Kiss starting in ’79. I was in high school then, and we the fans would have forgiven them for ‘IWMFLY’ if they would have rocked their other songs. What we could not defend were the ridiculous outfits worn for Dynasty and Unmasked tours – it became downright embarrassing to be a kiss fan. Gene’s outfit in particular was just laughable – watching the demon trying to look evil in the videos for ‘Shandi’, ‘Talk to Me’, ‘Made for Lovin You’, She’s so European’, and ‘Sure Know Something’ – it just didn’t fit the songs, nor any songs for that matter because it became clear Gene wasn’t all that evil – he was just trying to elongate his marketed rebellion gothic demon image into the 80’s.
    So I’m going with Paul Stanley’s version on why the sudden loss of popularity starting in ’79 was due to the schmaltziness of what Kiss had become.

  • Pounder on

    Another thing Paul totally skipped (not sure if someone has already mentioned this here – too may comments to read) is his second solo album, Live To Win as well as the short tour he did to support it. Since it was totally his solo project, I’m at a loss why he left that completely out.

    • Joe on

      Pounder I actually saw his 1st solo tour. I loved it. Paul really opened up more to me as a musician/performer. Totally entertaining and was certantly appreciative of everyone showing up. I wonder where everyone thinks Paul Stanley ranks among the great ones in Rock……my opinion is Top 5 easily. Freddie Mercury IMHO is #1. Joe in The Cuse

  • staten island clown on

    You watch some of those ’96 shows on youtube, the one Jersey, for instance, and they were killing it. They never sounded or played better. They did over 200 shows on the Alive/Worldwide tour! It just seems that maybe, I dunno, Peter and Ace could’ve gotten a re-negotiated contract as a sign of goodwill. Then maybe Peter and Ace would have had a better disposition to making it work. I’m just sayin’.
    And at some point when they were really gelling they should have gotten Eddie Kramer and made a kick ass Kiss record. But no, they get Bon Jovi’s producer, put the leftovers from Hot In the Shade, and Carnival of Souls on there, you know, the ones that weren’t good enough. And pick Ace’s worst song. …In other words, how to fuck up a cup of coffee.

  • staten island clown on

    I love Paul Stanley, in the Platonic sense there is a very deep affection. But sometimes, reading these comments, I haven’t gotten his book as of yet, due to reading/hearing what’s in his book, such as not caring for Eric’s drumming but being outvoted, not caring for Peter’s drumming, I wonder if there is a Twin Paul Stanley who lives on a planet I will call Twin Earth, and they switched places.

    • Trapper Crane on

      Wait…Paul said he didn’t care for Eric Carr’s drumming? Did he talk about the accusations against him and Gene by the keyboard player?

  • Trapper Crane on

    Glad to see he admitted not standing by Eric Carr when he got sick was a mistake. That was just rude! it would have been one thing if the sick person in the band tells his bandmates to go on without him, but Eric did not say that.

    • Joe on

      From what I have seen and from what my older brother (old Kiss roadie) has mentioned on many occasions, Paul isn’t much of a sensitive person. That is why a lot of times I bite my tongue when I see certain posters say “haters/etc:)…. Gene IMO on the other hand (massive ego aside) has a lot of heart & I personally feel he TRUELY cares for Ace & Peter. Joe I The Cuse

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