Busy day yesterday in NYC for a final big meeting on the new season of TMS before heading to LA on Tues. Taping begins next Saturday. Going to be jam packed shows with all kinds of stuff going on!


I’ll be live tonight on Q104.3 NYC from 11P-2A. Listen outside NYC via the live free stream at www.q1043.com or with free iheartradio app. Geoff Tate checks in live and will play his new Queensryche and also the new Sabbath and more. The new Sabbath is okay, still warming up to it. Surprising choice for a first single for sure.


Really jammed with TMS prep, more soon. Live on Monday on the radio shows as well. Have a good weekend and Happy 50th wedding anniversary to my parent Ray & Rose. Big party this weekend!

Congrats to Heart & Rush on the Hall induction. About friggin time!!


New TMS premieres June 1, spread the word!

6 Responses

  1. I love when you have Geoff on, such a gentleman! I’ve heard the new band he put together and they are amazing! People need to stop the hate and actually listen.

  2. Sorry, but the interview was weak, and no tough questions asked. Did Camp Tate write the questions for the interviewer? I won’t get that time back, what a waste…. Kelly Grey plays with Oven Mitts on, the entire OMC is literally being ruined by Taintryche….

    1. Really?? What interview did you hear?? What questions would you have liked asked in your clear agenda against Geoff? Perhaps you would have preferred I just hurl insults as you just did about this band?

  3. Hey give Geoff Tate a break! The new Cd is great. The people who slawys complain about him are guys stuck in 1984. Have you heard the operation mindcrime tour that’s sold out? He sounds great. I don’t know why the man cant experiment with fifteenth band members and sounds.Rock on Geoff and the other new queensryche band members’. Forget the hatred; the aren’t worth it!!!!!!

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