Lot’s of confusion and conflicting information out there regarding AC/DC the last few days. In this world of social media when anyone with a Facebook or website can say something, then have others pick it up and re-post, it is harder than ever to determine what is real news and what is not. As a rule I wait to hear something from the bands official sources before commenting and that has just happened with the announcement via the AC/DC Facebook that it is indeed Malcolm that is ill. I first heard of someone in the band being sick when Brian Johnson was on TMS with us a few years ago. Brian would not elaborate who or what, just that “one of the lads is sick”. It had been rumored to be Malcolm but never confirmed until now. What exactly is wrong with him has not been disclosed. Have heard everything from cancer to a form of dementia. Whatever it is it is clearly serious and has been going on for a while now. What we can take from AC/DC’s statement is that the band will likely continue with a fill in replacement for him. Their statement says the band will continue “to make music”. That doesn’t promise a tour, but likely at least an album which Malcolm may still be able to contribute to as a writer and maybe even in the studio depending on his health at that time. AC/DC can and has played live in the past without Malcolm. The truth is that even though he is a major part of the band, they are still a stadium act live without him. So it would seem the band does plan to continue in some form without him at least as of now. Possibly an album, possibly live shows, maybe both. I have had the honor of interviewing AC/DC a few times in my career and they are truly great humble people. Most importantly lets hope for a recovery for Malcolm from whatever he is battling. It sucks that the icons of our genre are getting older and showing the cracks that come with that. AC/DC are one of the all time Gods and maybe as big now as they have ever been in their career. Get well Mal! No doubt every rock music fan around the globe is pulling for him.

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52 Responses

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  • Wayne on

    Thanks for the update Eddie. I believe it was the Heatseeker tour that AC/DC filled in for Malcolm while he battled some alcohol related issues. I think it was a relative of the Youngs but I am not sure. No way Malcolm would want them to quit. It is good to hear the band will continue but disappointing Malcolm is struggling. If he is never able to play again, I hope he can at least live a somewhat normal life and contribute to the band in other ways. Ride on Malcolm and AC/DC, Ride on.

    • David on

      I think it was a nephew.

    • jack wood on

      It was Stevie Young, their nephew that filled in for Malcolm (Alex Young’s son)

    • Rick on

      Yep, it was their nephew, Stevie Young, who replaced Malcolm on the Blow Up Your Video tour in 1988, due to Malcolm’s alcoholism. Malcolm talked about it himself on the AC/DC episode of Behind The Music. He didn’t want to end up like Bon, so he took that tour off to get himself some help. Hopefully he’ll beat whatever he’s fighting now as well. We love ya, Mal. Get better!

    • Neil on

      The guy in question was Stevie Young from the band Starfighters from a Birmingham UK must admit you can’t tell them apart

  • donell blair on

    truly a big part of rock history,angus and malcome was like lennon and macartney,godspeed hopes he gets better

  • John p laino on

    Thanks for update , as always keeping the facts out front

  • Jerrel Palmer on

    AC/DC is the best Rock Band of all time ! GET WELL SOON MALCOLM ! while I loved Angus running around doing his thing I always had my eyes on Malcolm standing back and doing his thing ! GOD BLESS buddy !

  • Michael Dean on

    The music world will never be the same without some of these iconic bands. Here’s to Mal’s improved health, and another round with one of the greatest bands ever!

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